Thursday, July 22, 2010


If you have been suffering from a series of mishaps or bad luck,

there are things you can do to turn it around. The first thing I

advise is to clean the cobwebs out - literally! Clean up your room, your

office space, your whole house if you can. Do as much of the following as

you can:Get rid of clutter. It develops an atmosphere of stagnation and

prevents movement, both literally and symbolically.

Visualize yourself Turning out all the unwanted energies from

your life, ridding yourself of negativity and doubt and fear. Open

up all your windows (and doors, if possible). It's best to do this on a

sunny day,naturally. Throw them wide open to receive the cleansing and

blessings of the sun and wind.

Wash down as many washable surface areas as you can with some

kind of liquid on which a blessing has been performed. You can use

an elaborate ritual blessing or something quick like 'Lady and Lord,

bless this water for purification, protection and love.'

Suggestions: water in which some chopped-up lemons have been

steeped overnight, or rosemary infusion; either one smells good as

well as adding a nice protective touch.

Next, cleanse the area with a purifying incense; you can use a

blend, or one of the following alone: cedar, frankincense, copal,

gum arabic. If you can't stand the smell of incense, use an essential

oil burner, carried on a tray or in a baking dish to guard your hands.

Use purifying and protective oils; I like a few drops each of

sandalwood, frankincense and myrrh, and a drop of lemon.

Walk through the entire area, holding the incense/burner up so

that its fragrance penetrates every corner. I sometimes like to

sprinkle blessed salt water about, and to set white candles burning merrily

in every room (do this *after* closing the doors and windows!).

You can add a chant while sprinkling/fumigati ng/ lighting; I

like 'Banished be, negativity!' , it's short but to the point.

Finally, when the area smells all clean and holy, looks clean and is blazing with

light, sit down and enjoy. Eat something, preferably something bready; you'll

need it after all that work, and it'll help ground you in your newly

cleansed space.

Once all this is over and you've recovered from the work, cast a few

spells to get things moving, and to pull some good fortune your

way... such as a Good Luck Spell.


It's best to perform this one while the moon is waxing.

For this spell you'll need a candle to represent yourself in

whatever color you think appropriate, a gray candle, a black candle

and an orange candle.

Light the candle that represents yourself and say: 'This is me,

me in all things'.

Light the black candle and say: 'This is all the bad luck that

has dragged my footsteps. Trouble, disappointments and tears are

here. This bad luck now leaves me forever.'

Light the gray candle and say: 'All that was bad is neutralized.

All my bad luck is dissolved.'

Light the orange candle and say: 'This is the energy coming my

way, to get my life moving and speed up the change.'

Sit quietly for a while and visualize the negative energies

being whisked into the gray candle and dissolved into empty

nothingness. Visualize the orange candle drawing good energy and good luck

towards you, see the air stirring about with possibilities and opportunities. Let

the candles burn down completely (take the usual safety precautions) .

by Moon

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Simple Healing Mojo Bag

*I like this one because it is simple and a nice dose of aromatherapy all rolled up into one. 

Fold these in a velvet cloth...

leaves of tea

flowers of lavender



clove and camphor

Tie it up with a scarlet thread. keep it beside your bed at night. Breathe it when you wake up every day. Soon you shall be healed and stay that way

Monday, July 12, 2010

Vibrations Matter - Frequency Can Change your Life!

*I have just been reading alot about vibrations, frequency, and moods - this article really sums it up.  Enjoy!
Good Vibrations, Love ZoeyK
Have you ever really thought about some of the terminology we use to describe our moods? If you say that your spirits are "low," people immediately conclude that you are troubled or depressed. However, an extreme victory or positive experience may cause such a "rush" that you are flying "high" for days.

Words such as high, low, rush, up, and down can be used to portray not only how we are feeling, but also describe the vibes in which we are living and emitting.

Everything is energy

Everything that exists, whether or not you can see or touch it, is made up of energy. From the floor that is beneath your feet to the thoughts that run through your mind, it all boils down to energy, and energy is never still.

For all intents and purposes, a floor is solid matter. You can see it, touch it and it supports your weight. Seems like it is just sitting there, serving its flooring purpose, but that doesn't mean that it is still. The energy that makes up the floor is hard at work, moving and vibrating at just the right speed and frequency to maintain its solid structure and physical appearance.

Thoughts are no less real than the floor beneath your feet, but they vibrate at a different speed and frequency. You may not be able to touch them, but that doesn't make them any less substantial. Your body also has its own vibrations. After all, there is a whole lot going on underneath the skin that most of us don't really think about!

Can you feel it?

We all have good days and bad, but have you ever really paid attention to how life tends to flow in relation to your mood? How about when you meet someone for the first time and immediately like or dislike them, without really knowing why? Everyone and everything is throwing off vibrations. Sometimes, we are consciously aware of the resonance and frequency, and the intermingling vibrations that either harmonize or repel. Because like attracts like, the vibes that we emit are similar to a mating call, drawing in people, events and things that exist on the same or similar vibrational plane as our own.

Most times, looking good and feeling good go hand in hand. When we are feeling good about our selves and our lives, we tend to have a bit more confidence and it shows. We are more charismatic, appearing brighter and more beautiful - to ourselves and others. Those "happy to be alive" days are the best. We may dismiss them as luck or a fluke, but the reality is we have kicked our vibrations up a notch, and we are emitting and feeling an energetic boost.

Harmonize energy

When our vibrations are low, we are more tired, pessimistic and can even be mean or depressed. Those vibrations are the energy we project and the energy we attract. This vibe is more likely to cause a bad hair day, get us caught in traffic and possibly top it all off by having our morning coffee spill on us before the big meeting or presentation. We tend to look at the incidents as the cause or source for our state of vibration, but many times it is our vibrations that attract the incidents.

Not all of us are meant to be one of those happy-shiny people who are bouncing off the walls with boundless energy, but each of us does have a positive vibrational groove. We've all experienced that level of harmony before, and with a little effort we can find it, maintain it and even increase it. Like a finely tuned automobile, when our mental and physical energies are in harmony, we hum with personal power.

Change your vibe

Life is probably never going to be easy, but there's no law that states we have to continually add to the chaos and confusion. With a little bit of effort, each and every one of us can be a little better and a little brighter, which will help clear away some of our obstacles or attract what we need to surmount them.

If life isn't going the way you want it to, change it. Put down that never-ending list of everything you have to do, and all the things you don't have for five minutes and simply focus on yourself. Understand that in your life, you are the point of origin - the place where everything begins. Therefore, the vibrations you project are like a magnet, drawing in things of the same frequency. When you truly understand that principle, you will feel a shift in consciousness and your vibrations will begin to change in accordance with that shift.

Words like "can't," "won't" and "never" may begin to fade if your quest is one geared toward happiness and improvement. These low frequency words are powerful, particularly in thought, especially if you believe them. They are heavy and limiting, and what they hold down and hold back is your vibrations - the essence of you. Try replacing them with will, can and deserve, and you have just created opportunity rather than obstacle. Believe those words and your vibrations will increase, lighten… and so will you.

A higher frequency

Changing your vibes can be fairly easy, but maintaining that shift may take a little practice. Fortunately, there is opportunity in every thought and every action. Focus on the good things in your life, even when things are tough. Visualize yourself as you want to be. Meditate. Exercise. Recite positive affirmations of your own creation or ones that resonate well with you. Absorb the energy of music that lifts you, pumps you up, or brings you peace. Sing. Dance. These are only a few simple things you can do to raise your frequency, but with consistent and conscious effort, you will be able to measure your improvement and success.

Our perceptions not only influence, but also create our realities. Like a ripple caused by throwing a pebble into water, the vibes we send expand and touch others just as their vibes are flowing and seeking us. Some moments in life seem so perfect. Even though those moments pass, their vibrations can remain. Surround yourself with the people and things that you love and make you feel good and consciously project the same.

http://www.californ iapsychics. com/articles/ Newsletter/ 3448/Vibrations_ Matter.aspx

Friday, July 9, 2010

A Blessing Spell for Oil Soaked Seas

Calling all Witches! Ritual for healing the Gulf Oil Spill to be done JULY 10 - tomorrow - Saturday
The Ritual is set for 12:00 Noon CST, Saturday 10 July 2010.

I say, if you can't do it precisely at that time, do anytime - all that energy going out has to help!


If possible visit the ocean and gather some fresh seawater or using distilled or other pure water add sea salt to create your own seawater. Visualize the waters of the Gulf of Mexico becoming cleaned of oil and as clear as your seawater is. When the vision is clear, bless the water in the name of Gaia and give thanks.

Casting the Circle

Sprinkle the seawater as you cast your circle saying:

Equal is the light and the dark,

With the gift of Water my circle I mark.

As warm sunlight greens the earth,

The Lord and Lady dance with mirth.

Calling the Quarters

After calling each direction and deity, light a candle on the altar. (Optional)


Come you spirits of North, powers of earth, hold me rooted by tree and flower. Bring the beauty of your lush green meadows. Be with me this day.

Come you spirits of East, powers of air, sail on golden wings of dawn. Blow away the sheens of oil upon the sea. Be with me this day.

Come you spirits of South, powers of fire, bring the heat of noon to warm my days. Coax the fruit from fertile bud and bring the early harvest. Be with me this day.

Come you spirits of West, powers of water, let my soul flow with the beauty of your tides. Bless the sea with cleansing and health. Be with me this day.

Prince of Light, Lord of Summer, you shine with the fullness of maturity and bless the world with your bright spirit. Join me in this sacred circle. Be with me this day.

Great Mother who gives the world form, as your web of life renews the earth, light that spark within me to awaken my soul. Join me in this sacred circle. Be with me this day.

Standing in front of your altar, raise your seawater. Close your eyes, and visualize the oil spreading across the Gulf of Mexico. Now, see the oil receding and the waters becoming clear and blue. Call forth the power of the great whale to energize your Magick. See the whale swim the clear waters as Gaia intended.

Gaia, Gaia mother of all,

Gaia, Gaia I heed your call.

Oil spilling in the deep seas,

Spilled for greed to appease.

Ocean drilling dangers strong,

Let farmers right this awesome wrong.

Dirty fuels no longer seen,

Oceans safe from oil's sheen

With this spell to provide,

Clean and fresh the morning tide.

Whales now swim in pristine seas,

Free at last from greed's disease.

As I will, so mote it be.

Blessed be!


Great Mother, I ask that your blessings remain in my heart and that I live in harmony with all that dwell on this earth. Thank you for your presence this day. Stay if you will; go if you must. I bid you farewell.

Lord of Summer and all life, I welcome the new harvest in the fields. Thank you for your presence this day. Stay if you will; go if you must. I bid you farewell.

Spirits of the West, of waters that nourish land and sea, thank you for your presence this day. Stay if you will; go if you must. I bid you farewell.

Spirits of the South, of fire that provides new beginnings, thank you for your presence this day. Stay if you will; go if you must. I bid you farewell.

Spirits of the East, of air and precious breath, thank you for your presence this day. Stay if you will; go if you must. I bid you farewell.

Spirits of the North, of earth that brings forth new life, thank you for your presence this day. Stay if you will; go if you must. I bid you farewell.

As all, good things, sometimes end,

Go forth with the love the Goddess does send.

For if your heart is always true,

The circle will return to you.

Adapted by Storm Wynd

Aka: Stormy)O(

From a Ritual by Sandra Kynes

Thursday, July 8, 2010

7 Ways to Remove Negative Energy in the Home

We all can appreciate the beautiful healing energy of spending time in nature, away from civilization. But eventually we have to come home. When we compare the sense of peace and connectedness we feel in nature and to the stress and noise and bustle of city, we know internally that there is a difference. Part of the difference is the energy programmed into the physical objects of these places. Nature in general has more positive energy than our homes or cities..

Reasons Nature's Energy is Positive

• There are less people around in nature, so it is more isolated from people's thoughts. Thoughts are energy. Thought energy attaches to the physical objects near the origin of those thoughts. Negative thought energy creates stronger energy patterns and remains longer than positive thought energy. Worry, fear, and stress last longer than love, peace and happiness..

• Sunlight is a stream of positive energy that washes away any negative energy. It's like pouring cold pure mountain stream water onto a sponge. The sponge is rinsed of anything it has collected. When was the last time you were depressed after a day at the beach..

• Nature is usually filled with plants. Plants give off positive energy. They are alive so they put out a positive vibration, but they don't really think so they don't put out any negative thoughts the way people do. Plants don't' worry about jobs, or bills or relationships. .

Before we can start filling our homes with positive energy, we need to remove any accumulation of negative energy..

So here is a list of seven simple proven techniques that you can use to remove negative energy from any space:

7 Ways to Remove Negative Energy

1. Salt carpets. This is the simple easiest best way. Simply sprinkle dry table salt on the carpet, wait an hour and then vacuum the up the salt. Use approximately 3 to 6 spoonfuls of salt for a medium size room. Salt crystals have an amazing natural built in-ability to erase the programming of energy. Using salt is like using an eraser on a chalk board. The information on the board is wiped away..

2.. Remove clutter. Things like old magazines and dirty clothes can trap a lot of negative energy in your house. Remove old items you no longer need. Keep coffee tables picked up and clean. Put your laundry in a laundry hamper. Wash your dirty dishes and put them away. Negative energy needs objects to hang on to so it can remain around..

By keeping your living space picked up, neat and clean,

3.. Loud noises. This is the reason the Chinese love fireworks. Loud noises break up energy patterns and allow them to disperse. Mother Nature does the same thing with the noise of thunder storms..

4.. Play spiritual music. My favorite is the album Eric Pepin album "Deep Resonating Aums" from the Higher Balance Institute. A close second is the song "God is Real" from Krishna Das on his "Door of Faith" album. Buddhist monks use tingshaws to dissipate unfavorable energy. You can use your stereo with the same effect. Combine this technique with no. 4 and a great pair of speakers for a really deep cleaning..

5..Meditate there. A proper meditation once or twice a day in your living space will broadcast out a powerful positive vibration. A broadcast from a meditative state of mind becomes much more powerful than it would otherwise be, making positive energy more powerful than negative energy. A proper meditation will saturate a space with uplifting energy for several hours..

6.. Rearrange the furniture. The Chinese practice the art of Feng shui. Again negative energy needs something to "cling to." Arrange your space with as much wide open space as possible, allowing any negative energy to disperse. But also the act of rearranging will cause this harmful energy to dissipate..

7.. Add living plants. Plants add color, life, oxygen and positive energy to your home. All good things to have. But only if you water and maintain them.

http://www.lightwor blog/37541/ seven-ways- remove-negative- energy-your- home

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Grounding to Earth

Here is a sample exercise to help you ground. In this example you

will ground to earth. While grounding to any element is possible, earth is

probably the easiest, especially if you are starting out. If another element

calls to you, or you already have your own way of doing this, feel absolutely free

to use it.

Stand or sit comfortably on the floor or ground. If you are not on

the first story, that is okay, just be as close to the actual ground as you

can for the space you are in.

Visualize roots slowly extending from your feet (or other body parts

touching the surface). Slowly they travel down, down, until the meet the

soil. This is easy if you are outside; if you are not, imagine them traveling down

throughout the layers of building, down through the foundation and

eventually into the soil. Imagine the feel of the cool, secure soil all around your

roots, keeping you safe, taking away all impurities. Aboriginal people who

don't have much access to water bury themselves except their face in earth, and

emerge totally cleansed and renewed. Imagine the smell of fresh, wholesome earth,

as if you were turning over dirt to plant the first seed of spring.

Imagine that you are a giant, primeval redwood (or other tree of

your choosing). You are sturdy and confident. You are part of the earth,

yet distinct from it. Your roots go down deep into the earth and all excess "nervous"

energy, tension and stress flow down your roots and seep harmlessly into the

earth, where the loving earth accepts and is nourished by it. In return the earth

sends back calming nutrients, stability, and ancient serenity.

You are an ancient tree, your roots go deep into the ground. You

have been here before humans walked this area, you have seen so much. You have

seen most of your old comrades die, be struck by lighting, be chopped down to

build for the people, but you withstand.

As you stand there, you think about the rings within your mighty

trunk. The ones just inside your bark remind you of last spring's rain. The

thin inside that of the cold year when you didn't grow so much. Continue to work

inward until you reach the center rings, those rings of dark wood at your

core that represent the inner you, your heart, your oldest part. Breathe from

that part. Suck the air in through all the rings to that central core. Feel your

life force gather and recharge in you center. Pull it back from the outermost

limbs where the growth may be unbalanced. Feel the sap brimming in your core.

Once you feel totally charged, let it go and it will course through you, back out

energizing you, but at your center is still the central heart of

your energy, calm, full and ready for anything.