Monday, March 5, 2012

Weight Loss Spell

I came across an interesting Weight Loss Spell - here is what you need:

* A dash of cinnamon
* 1 cup or glass (preferably crystal)
* A dash of salt (any type - I would use pink himalayan salt)
* 1 teaspoon of vinegar (apple cider vinegar would probably be the best)
* 1/2 cup of water

Mix in a crystal glass or cup.   Start with the water, then trickle in the vinegar, while doing so say the following:

Add to this glass from which I drink, the vile taste one would surely think.

Then  throw in a pinch of salt saying:

And a bit of salt to kill the taste, of my life I shall not waste

The toss in a bit of cinnamon saying:

and finally a touch of spice, to make the body slim and nice

The swirl the mixture together and raising up above your head and say:

With this potion I do ask guide me to goal
ease my hunger and soothe my  soul
strengthen my resolve as I wish, so mote it be

Drink up.

Now what I like about the spell it actually some good advice.  Vinegar has been used for weight loss.  Actually this is a practical drink to have to stimulate the liver.  You could substitute Lemon Juice, that would be my preference and I would probably prefer this warm.

Have a Blessed Day -Zoey K

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Mantra for New Beginnings

Om Gum Ganapatayei NamahaOm Guhm Guh-nuh-puh-tuh-yea

The mantra above is traditionally chanted to start new endeavors with positive energy and to remove obstacles.

Have you been meditating, I am still not into the swing of it.  Tomorrow is my assigned day off, so I am determined to start my day with meditation.  I have been doing some mini-medi's I call them.  Moments in the bathroom or in the car when I practice some mindful breathing.

I need to cleanse my mind, body and soul.  Need to do some soul searching and some changes in the diet.  I need to balance myself again.  My energy or Qi is not flowing correctly.  I can feel it.  I am sluggish, feel bloated and have no get up and go. 

To keep the body in good health is a duty, otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear. ~Buddha

Here's to you and I enlightening on a journey of mind, body and spirit. Love & Light, Zoey K.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Spell for Energy Renewal

Start with 3 or more white candles.

Light your candles around you in a dark room, in any fashion. Sit in the center of it all. Clear your mind.

Take your energy and let it flow out of your body. Let it all out. Now let your emotion fall out of you, into the ground. Keep going until you feel emotionless.

Now, when all your energy and emotion is gone, allow the candles to bring you fresh energy. Enjoy the warmth of the flames. Bring the flames into you. As you do this, let each emotion return little by little.

Afterward you should feel better emotionally and feel like you have new power.

Have a blessed night.....Love and light, Zoey K

A New Chapter

When I was little, I use to think that every life had a book attached to it and some Master Force, or Angels or whatever read that book and as we lived each day they turned the pages of the book and read the next page.  Our life is full of many chapters.  School, Graduations, Weddings and Jobs.  I thought that when the book was over, we perished from this life. 

Now I wonder where I am in that book right now?  How many chapters are left?  I feel that someone has turned the page and it's blank, waiting for me to fill it in. I've been in a limbo for a year, working part-time not knowing if I had enough to pay the bills, taking from my savings which I thought would be for retirement or those little things that come up when you own a house.  But now that is all but gone and I need to recharge, re-do and re-write some pages.  The life I thought that would exist until those glory days of retirement are not what I thought they would be. 

In the long-awaited change of winter to spring. Seeds sprout, flowers bloom, and the sun warms the earth. There is a sense of renewal and new life all around. While winter was a time to conserve energy and reduce activity, spring is a time of regeneration, new beginnings, and a renewal of spirit.  Maybe that is why I am feeling the way I do.  Spring is around the corner and actually the flowers are already starting to peek out from the ground. 

So let's think like a seed.  I need to get more sunshine, air and water.  Things that we sometimes cut back on in the winter.  I need to mindfully poke my head out of the house and just stand and mindfully take in fresh air and sunshine.  Feel the wind on my face and when warm enough the ground under my feet.  I need to become grounded again in life.

So if you are following with me.  Let's get outside, mindfully salute the sun, the air and mother earth.  Breathe.  Feel every breath go in and out. 

This is a good start.  Zoey K

Monday, February 27, 2012

Cosmic Forces

The urban dictionary defines Cosmic Forces as"

"A collection of preternatural, sentient entities, believed to conspire to turn the course of one's fate for the worst, picking especially on those in a romantic relationship who are content. Reputedly repelled by destroying a prom dress."
I find that humorous, and it brings my thoughts to Carrie, the movie, of course.  But lately I do feel that my "prom dress" has been destroyed by the bucket of blood.  No it is not a romantic relationship that has gotten me down, it is more economical.  I have been laid off for quite a long time and jobs for a good witch are scarce out there.  This hole economic down swing has my cosmic forces spinning into a tizzy and it's time I start to get control of them.  
One thing I am going to do is some research, resume writing and some blogging on here to relieve some stress and perhaps send some good waves of energy out so that in return I can get some good waves back.
So watch for some inspirational motivation from me, Zoey K, as I attempt to grow, so shall you.
Dreams and wishes..........