Friday, March 18, 2011
Sometimes the universe grants you the luxury of dedicated magical space, appropriate tools and supplies, planning time, and everything else you need for elaborate ritual magic. Other times a problem pops up that must be dealt with immediately, right where you are, with little or nothing in the way of tools and ceremony. Magic is wonderfully versatile--and the power lies within the practitioner more than in any tool or ceremony.
You can use magic to solve metaphysical problems or in conjunction with mundane efforts to address mundane problems; it is especially good for preventing small issues from snowballing into a major crisis. Advance preparation helps to make you ready for whatever challenges may come your way. Here are some ideas to get you started.
First Steps
Step #1: Stay calm. In order to respond appropriately to a challenge, you need a clear head. By remaining calm, you can use your magical and mundane skills to best advantage. Likewise, keep everyone else calm. Few situations are so bad that panic can't make things a whole lot worse.
Step #2: Ground, center, and shield. Grounding connects you to an outside power source so you don't exhaust your personal energy. Centering lets you keep your mental feet under you, protecting you from internal stress and making it harder for people to confuse you or push you around. Shielding raises a barrier between you and others, protecting you from external stress due to other people or hostile energies. Together these magical techniques give you a firm foundation from which to work--and after some practice, they can be done instantly with a flick of your will, with no outward sign at all.
Step #3: Identify the problem. Take time to figure out exactly what is wrong, as best you can tell. Is the matter small or large? Magical or mundane? In progress, imminently, or merely approaching? Who does it affect? How did it get started? Ask other people for information, if possible, but also use all of your physical and metaphysical powers of observation. The more you know about the situation, the better your chance of resolving it in a positive manner.
Step #4: Make a plan take time to use your cool head and your observations to decide on a course of action. Don't just do the first thing you think of. Whether you have seconds, minutes, or hours to respond--make the best of that time. Then act on your plan to improve the situation.
Emergency Supplies
One excellent way to prepare for the unexpected is to carry a few simple items that are useful in a variety of situations. These fit neatly in a purse, pocket, backpack, suitcase, the glove compartment of a car, and so forth. Most are inconspicuous, thus unlikely to attract attention from curious onlookers.
Essences and Oils: If you have a favorite flower essence or essential oil for use in a crisis, carry some with you in a perfume bottle or pendant. Bach's Rescue Remedy is a popular choice, a blend of flower essences designed to soothe and balance. For essential oil, consider a "protection" blend, such as Spellbound offered by Kamala Perfumes, ideal for shielding. Magical liquids can be used to draw runes, protective symbols, etc. Fragrant oils and flower essences both represent elemental air, which brings clarity of mind.
Lighter: Even if you don't smoke, a cigarette lighter makes a discreet source of flame. It serves as a representation of elemental fire, which purifies and protects. Of course, if you've got candles, you can also light them; but in a pinch, the lighter alone will work.
Mirror: A compact mirror, signal mirror for campers, or other tiny portable mirrors will suffice; a large one is not necessary. Pointed away from you, mirrors reflect negativity. Just carrying one repels some malicious entities. A mirror also make s a good focus for scrying. In dim light, gaze into the reflective surface and let your mind wander until images form.
Pencil: A wooden pencil makes an excellent magic wand. (A mechanical pencil or a pen can work, but usually not as well as natural wood.) Holding it as you would your regular wand, use it to direct and focus energy. It's also ideal for writing runes, protective symbols, and so forth to affect other objects.
Pentacle: Wear a pentacle for protection, preferable under your clothes next to your skin. It is also a place to store magical energy. Fill it up during a quiet time, and you'll have that energy available when things get tense. Magical tools can be charged in many ways including energy manipulation, repeated ritual use, and leaving them out in sunlight or moonlight. A pentacle represents all the magical elements combines.
Salt: This representation of elemental earth purifies, protects, and blesses. Salt repels or banishes many hostile energies. Sprinkle it dry or mix it with water. In either form, salt can be used to trace wards or protective symbols. Draw a circle with salt or salt water to keep out unwanted influences. Dabbing it on a lock discourages anyone else from messing with the lock, and protects the locked item or space. The easiest and most discreet way to carry salt is to save those little paper packets used in fast-food restaurants.
Stones: Many semiprecious stones have magical qualities. Wear them as jewelry, carry them on a key chain, stash them in the glove compartment of your car, etc. At a minimum, carry a quartz crystal, which adapts to serve any magical purpose. Other good choices include: amethyst (increases psychic powers), garnet (gives courage), aventurine (calms), jade (brings luck), obsidian (protects), jasper (aids with grounding). Any ordinary rock can represent earth or assist grounding, too. Hold the stone and concentrate on your goal to activate a stone's magical qualities--although some qualities tend to be active continually, like protection or luck.
Thread: Lighter and easier to conceal than rope, thread (or string) works just as well for knot magic. With it you can work a quick charm to bind an enemy, tangle the path of a pursuer, slow blood loss, bind or loosen the wind--anything traditionally done with knot magic. To bind, slow, stop, or prevent something, tie one or more knots in a thread. To release, set loose, or open something, untie one or more knots. To obscure a trail, tie a tangle of thread and drop it where a pursuer will step on it. A traveler's sewing kit contains several different colors of thread, and the smallest kits fit in the palm of a hand. A stray thread pulled from your clothing also works.
Water: In all forms, water purifies. Running water forms a protective boundary, and ice binds. To banish something, draw it or write its name on a piece of toilet paper, and flush it down a toilet. To cleanse yourself of unwanted energies, go to the nearest restroom and wash your hands. Water is usually easy to find even if you don't carry it. Still, bottled water or a perfume bottle of water is easy and unobtrusive to keep with you. Of course, it also represents elemental water.
Inconspicuous Magic
Some types of magic are flashy. Others are discreet, giving little or no outward sign of their presence. Inconspicuous magic is often faster because it relies more on the caster and less on outside tools. Also, magic works on the caster and less on outside tools. Also, magic works best when given a framework to support it, so it's easier to layer a shield over an existing wall than to create one in midair. It's easier to shift probabilities to match your mundane actions than to make something happen by magic alone. This also helps hide magic by providing an alternative explanation- -instead of "witchcraft" you're benefiting from "favorable coincidences. " (One definition of magic is coincidence control.)
Energy manipulation is the most basic type of magic. You simply grab the power and shape it into the form you need. Mold it into a wall or bubble to shield yourself or others. (Do not try to stop onrushing energy and objects directly, just deflect them harmlessly to one side.) To clear negative energy from an area, imagine a wind or broom sweeping it all away. If you need to pass quickly through a crowd, shape your aura into a wedge and extend it ahead of you to move people apart. Energy manipulation comes entirely from inside you, so there's nothing for nonmagical people to notice.
Folk charms include a wide range of simple actions and objects, each creating a specific effect. A penny in your shoe for wealth, an obsidian bead on your cell phone to protect it from loss or theft, a four-leaf clover for luck--these are all passive folk charms that require no action from you to do their thing. Making a fig hand (thumb between first two fingers) to avert evil, tying a knot to calm a storm, scuffing your shoe on a threshold to shed hostility--these are active charms that are easily concealed, perhaps behind your back or under a table. Another option is to layer such charms over a similar action required for mundane reasons; for instance, if you're wrapping gauze over a cut, concentrate on stopping the bleeding when you knot the bandage in place. Most of the items mentioned previously in "Emergency Supplies" can be used in folk charms.
Meditation works well in any situation where you need to wait for something to happen, stay alert, or remain calm for an extended period of time. You can meditate by focusing your attention on a sound like a ticking clock or a soothing phrase; by staring at a pattern, such as a scrollwork carpet or the dance of shadows under a tree; and so forth. the "alert" version works by spreading your awareness evenly throughout your environment, noticing everything but not focusing on anything--until something requires a response, when you will be ready to act immediately. Meditation keeps you from exhausting yourself with worry, and recharges your energy after working magic or other exertion. Being completely internal, it tends to be undetectable.
Prayer serves a similar function to meditation. It soothes, heals, and restores energy. But unlike the other forms of magic discussed here, prayer asks a higher power for assistance rather than creating the desired effect through the practitioner' s own will. It requires the least amount of effort, making it more useful when you lack the energy for anything more exertive; and it needs no outward sign, although you can add some (such as a hand gesture or a holy symbol) if you wish.
Symbols represent a certain energy or goal in a visual pattern. Good symbols for emergencies include algiz (shield), Eye of Horus (protects against the evil eye), lightning bolt (power, success), nauthiz (need, petition for aid), om (meditation) , peace symbol (neutralizes hostility), pentagram (protection, containment) , raido (safe travel), and Thor's hammer or tau cross (averts misfortune). Symbols may be traced in the air, drawn with a pencil, or traced on objects using magical liquids such as essential oil. The above symbols and uses will fit on an index crd, which can be folded and kept in a wallet or glove compartment for reference.
Visualization is a technique used to facilitate many magical effects. It involves forming an intense sensory image--visual, auditory, tactile, etc.--of what you wish to happen. For instance, when manipulating energy to make someone leave you alone, you might imagine yourself concealed by fog and the bothersome person walking away. For safe travel on icy roads, you could throw down a pinch of salt while imagining the ice melting and your car tires gripping the road securely. The harder you concentrate, and the more detailed your visualization, the more effective it will be.
Wherever you go, you will find challenges-- and a little magical preparation will help you to meet them gracefully. Practice with different techniques and tools so you'll learn which ones work best for you. Then when life sends you a "red alert," you'll be ready!
by Elizabeth Barrette,
copyright 2008
Friday, March 11, 2011
7 Ways to Remove Negative Energy in the Home
We all can appreciate the beautiful healing energy of spending time in nature, away from civilization. But eventually we have to come home. When we compare the sense of peace and connectedness we feel in nature and to the stress and noise and bustle of city, we know internally that there is a difference. Part of the difference is the energy programmed into the physical objects of these places. Nature in general has more positive energy than our homes or cities.
Reasons Nature's Energy is Positive
• There are less people around in nature, so it is more isolated from people's thoughts. Thoughts are energy. Thought energy attaches to the physical objects near the origin of those thoughts. Negative thought energy creates stronger energy patterns and remains longer than positive thought energy. Worry, fear, and stress last longer than love, peace and happiness.
• Sunlight is a stream of positive energy that washes away any negative energy. It's like pouring cold pure mountain stream water onto a sponge. The sponge is rinsed of anything it has collected. When was the last time you were depressed after a day at the beach.
• Nature is usually filled with plants. Plants give off positive energy. They are alive so they put out a positive vibration, but they don't really think so they don't put out any negative thoughts the way people do. Plants don't' worry about jobs, or bills or relationships.
Before we can start filling our homes with positive energy, we need to remove any accumulation of negative energy.
So here is a list of seven simple proven techniques that you can use to remove negative energy from any space:
7 Ways to Remove Negative Energy
1. Salt carpets. This is the simple easiest best way. Simply sprinkle dry table salt on the carpet, wait an hour and then vacuum the up the salt. Use approximately 3 to 6 spoonfuls of salt for a medium size room. Salt crystals have an amazing natural built in-ability to erase the programming of energy. Using salt is like using an eraser on a chalk board. The information on the board is wiped away.
2.. Remove clutter. Things like old magazines and dirty clothes can trap a lot of negative energy in your house. Remove old items you no longer need. Keep coffee tables picked up and clean. Put your laundry in a laundry hamper. Wash your dirty dishes and put them away. Negative energy needs objects to hang on to so it can remain around.
3.. Loud noises. This is the reason the Chinese love fireworks. Loud noises break up energy patterns and allow them to disperse. Mother Nature does the same thing with the noise of thunder storms.
**A Zoey Note - my Grandfather would say that a early spring thunderstorm would wake up the ground and he would plant his onions and potatoes then.
4.. Play spiritual music. My favorite is the album Eric Pepin album "Deep Resonating Aums" from the Higher Balance Institute. A close second is the song "God is Real" from Krishna Das on his "Door of Faith" album. Buddhist monks use tingshaws to dissipate unfavorable energy. You can use your stereo with the same effect. Combine this technique with no. 4 and a great pair of speakers for a really deep cleaning.
5..Meditate there. A proper meditation once or twice a day in your living space will broadcast out a powerful positive vibration. A broadcast from a meditative state of mind becomes much more powerful than it would otherwise be, making positive energy more powerful than negative energy. A proper meditation will saturate a space with uplifting energy for several hours.
6.. Rearrange the furniture. The Chinese practice the art of Feng shui. Again negative energy needs something to "cling to." Arrange your space with as much wide open space as possible, allowing any negative energy to disperse. But also the act of rearranging will cause this harmful energy to dissipate.
7.. Add living plants. Plants add color, life, oxygen and positive energy to your home. All good things to have. But only if you water and maintain them.
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Energy and Protection Spell
For energy and protection, gather some sea salt and red chili powder. Set up sacred space in your usual manner and invite the spirits of the place to join you. Have a bowl of warm water on your altar and burn cedar incense. Add the sea salt and chili powder to the water. Stir it three times while asking the spirits to bless you and your home with renewed energy to create an honorable life and protection against any unwanted energies, thoughts, or foreign beings. Starting in the east, go around your home, sprinkling a small amount of water in each room. If possible, sprinkle a small amount of water around the outside of your home or at least around the front door.
By: Kristin Madden
Monday, March 7, 2011
Bury Your Old Self Spell
Here is an easy spell to rid yourself of negative qualities.
If you are bothered by an aspect of your personality
that you would like to let go of, then take a new
potato and a knife (or your athame) and carve the
potato into an image that represents this aspect to
you. At midnight, take the carved potato out into a
field (or wherever you can find relatively undisturbed
dirt) and bury it in the ground.
As you do, repeat these words:
"With this image, I
consign this aspect of
myself to my mother the Earth.
As this image returns to the Earth,
this aspect of my personality
dissolves into my psyche
and is transformed into
new capabilities"
You're done. As the image under the earth dissolves,
so will the quality you want to be rid of!
by Robert Place
If you are bothered by an aspect of your personality
that you would like to let go of, then take a new
potato and a knife (or your athame) and carve the
potato into an image that represents this aspect to
you. At midnight, take the carved potato out into a
field (or wherever you can find relatively undisturbed
dirt) and bury it in the ground.
As you do, repeat these words:
"With this image, I
consign this aspect of
myself to my mother the Earth.
As this image returns to the Earth,
this aspect of my personality
dissolves into my psyche
and is transformed into
new capabilities"
You're done. As the image under the earth dissolves,
so will the quality you want to be rid of!
by Robert Place
Sunday, February 6, 2011
The Super Bowl Challenge
Did you know that Super Bowl XLIV, played on February 7, 2010 between the New Orleans Saints and the Indianapolis Colts, became the most-watched American television program in history, drawing an average audience of 106.5 million viewers and taking over the spot held for twenty-seven years by the final episode of M*A*S*H.[6] The Super Bowl is among the most watched sporting events in the world, primarily due to mostly North American audiences, and is second to soccer's UEFA Champions League final as the most watched annual sporting event worldwide.
106.5 million viewers - not to mention the 100,000 that will attend today's game. Now just imagine, $1.00 from each person given to charity - wow - think about it over 106 million dollars to charity, One buck doesn't go far anymore - but that many, well - maybe they could find a cure for breast cancer, heart disease, birth defects or lung cancer. Just think of all the charities that could benefit from today if we take the Super Bowl Challenge.
My idea is not new it comes from the Souper Bowl of Caring. You can find there website at
I have been giving my $1.00 there for years. So now here is my challenge to you.
Donate $1.00 if you watch the game today - to any charity you wish - just $1.00 that's all I am asking you to do.
If you have a party here are some ideas: ask you guests to donate - tell them the charity you are donating your funds to.
Charge them for a $1.00 cover charge - maybe at first they will think you are cheap, but tell them why.
Put a jar or bowl out for donations and then send them or take that money to the charity of your choice.
You know we don't given a second thought about the money we spend today on food - the $18 bucks for a pizza - the wings - the snacks and if you live in Pennsylvania, the ring bologna. That's how the Souper Bowl came about. I want you to give a second thought today! Take the Super Bowl Challenge, make a difference.
Thanks, peace & love
Saturday, January 29, 2011
It felt like a good night to read this:
Go placidly amid the noise and the haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence. As far as possible without surrender be on good terms with all persons. Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others, even to the dull and the ignorant, they too have their story. Avoid loud and aggressive persons, they are vexations to the spirit.

Strive to be happy.
--- Max Ehrmann, 1927
Go placidly amid the noise and the haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence. As far as possible without surrender be on good terms with all persons. Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others, even to the dull and the ignorant, they too have their story. Avoid loud and aggressive persons, they are vexations to the spirit.
If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain or bitter; for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself. Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans. Keep interested in your own career, however humble; it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.
Exercise caution in your business affairs, for the world is full of trickery. But let not this blind you to what virtue there is; many persons strive for high ideals, and everywhere life is full of heroism. Be yourself. Especially do not feign affection. Neither be cynical about love; for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment it is as perennial as the grass. Take kindly the counsel of the years, gracefully surrendering the things of youth.
Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune. But do not distress yourself with dark imaginings. Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness. Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself. You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here. And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.
Therefore, be at peace with God, whatever you conceive Him to be. And whatever your labors and aspirations in the noisy confusion of life, keep peace in your soul. With all its sham, drudgery and broken dreams; it is still a beautiful world. Be cheerful.
--- Max Ehrmann, 1927
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Breaking Winter Doldrums Spell
All I have been seeing is snow, snow, & snow and its only January 26. So while I am waiting for a "thumping" of snow, as our weather forecast is calling for I came upon this little spell. I think - just in time for me.
January is rough. It’s cold and dark, and winter doldrums can set in. This is just the right time for a spell of creativity enhancement. Everyone is creative. Some can sing and dance, others have a green thumb or a way with animals. Some are wordsmiths or good cooks; others are good at magic. Begin by drawing a symbolic picture of yourself with some images representing the talents you’d like to develop. Draw yourself writing in your journal, or taking photos, or working in your garden. Next, create a small altar in a place that you see every day. Place the drawing on your altar with some other items symbolizing the talents you wish to enhance. Be creative with this—use a packet of seeds, a paintbrush, or a favorite CD as symbols. Wednesday is Mercury’s day, of new beginnings and creativity. Light a yellow candle, visualizing yourself doing what you love. Each day take some time, even if only a few minutes, to practice your talent. Place offerings on the altar—flowers, fruit, wine, stones—that further symbolize your resolve to nurture your burgeoning talents.
~ Ruby Lavender
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