Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Money Bowl Spell

For ensuring a smooth, continuous flow of money for household bills and expenses, unforeseen circumstances, a special gift for a loved one, or for gradual improvements in your home or premises, create your very own money bowl. Take a brass or copper bowl and shine it up with some polish and cloth. Name it the “Bowl of Plenty,” and fill it with a handful of cinquefoil or five-finger grass. Add a fistful of silver coins, gold coins, and a few dollar notes. Say the following nine times each morning and each night at exactly the same hour each time:

O Bowl of Plenty!

Ever generously flowing to me.

And as I will,

So mote it be!

Each day, keep adding coins and bills until the bowl is full. Once a month, transfer the bowl’s contents into a cash box or piggy bank and begin this same ritual afresh.

~ S. Y. Zenith

(I have done a similar spell using a  cigar box - but I kinda like this one better, since you keep adding money to it, it kinda becomes a way to save)

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