Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Summoning Spirits

Here are 2 spells for summoning spirits. The more powerful your natural powers are, the quicker and more powerful these spells will be. Remember that a spell is just a spell so when casting spells for summoning spirits, the real key is your focus, your natural ability, and your desire to have that which the spell delivers. You can develop your natural ability and power through practice, learning, and constant study. These spells for summoning spirits will allow you to see the spirits more clearly as your natural power and respect from the elements develops.

First of 2 Spells For Summoning Spirits - Angel Summoning Spell

This is a spell from Silver Ravenwolf. It is used to summon 26 angels to help you in a lot of different things. This spell can be done anytime and is extremely effective. Repeat this often for the best results. The more you do it, the more your natural power will grow. Especially if you are constantly studying in many different areas. Simply find a nice, quiet place where you will not be disturbed. Try to pronounce the names as best as possible, it doesn't have to be perfect to be effective.

Chant the following:

Ariel begins it.

Baradiel guides it.

The Chalkydri sing it.

Devas manifest it.

Elohim wills it.

The Fravashi better it.

Gabriel brings it.

The Hafaza watch it.

The Ischim balance it.

Jael guards it.

Kadmiel births it.

Lahabiel aids it.

Michael raises it.

Nebo ministers it.

Ofaniel sees it.

Patron angels devote it.

The Queen of angels speaks it.

Raphael inspires it.

Sandalphon prays it.

Thrones sanctify it.

Uriel strengthens it.

Vrevoil reveals it.

Watchers protect it.

Xathanael patrons it.

Yahriel places the glory of the moon on it.

Zodiac angels seal it.

And Spirit brings it through time and space.

So be it. Ho! (or say amen.) Make a sign in the air of an equal-armed cross using your dominant hand.

The Second Of Spells For Summoning Spirits - Summoning Ghosts and Spirits

This is a very easy spell that can be done anytime. You need a needle, a piece of paper, a piece of red wool, and 5 candles.

Take the piece of paper. Make a big spot in the middle with a red marker, crayon, or color pencil. Then take the wool and put it in the needle's hole. Near the spot in the middle write these words "YES", "NO", "MAYBE" and "I DON'T KNOW". Write them around the circle.

Ritual: Put the needle on the red spot and hold it by the wool string. Don't hold the needle just the wool.

Now you chant: "I call upon the spirit of (name the spirit that you want to call upon.)" You can call anyone you wish. You can call a past family member or an angel or anyone else you choose. Chant this three times. While you are saying these words, remember to spin the needle with your hand in a clockwise direction. Now you ask a question, and you wait for the answer. Try not to move the needle. You will know the answer when the needle goes near an answer (from those you have written).

Friday, May 14, 2010

Swimming with the Endorphins

 I decided to do some reading about how to raise my endorphins.  My post yesterday was epiphany of why I was overweight.  After watching Oprah - I realize that my weight problem is caused by my great consumption of chocolate, candy and cake. (which I knew already - I just didn't know why)  I have been using them to replace love or sex in my life. 

Serotonin and endorphins are natural neurotransmitters that can improve mood, dampen pain, and regulate sleep. High levels of stress and inactivity can reduce overall levels of these chemicals. Promoting the release of endorphins or serotonin is generally accomplished by a positive stimulus,

Last night I was reading Body and Soul Magazine and they said raise those endorphins. "Part of why we eat is to get rid of bad feelings, and pleaures can counteract that."  The article suggested natural highs from exercise, hobbies, listening to music you love, dance around, take a class, eat spicy foods, do something thrilling, and laugh.  These are all some things I go do instead of eating chocolate.

In surfing the web today I found out some other things that can raise endorphins or serotonin such as meditation, massage, sunlight and acupuncture.

Sex and chocolate, of course, both raise endorphins, but since I am in a relationship but there is no longer sex I turned to chocolate, I didn't realize it until now.  So next time I want a candy bar you might see me taking a walk in the sunshine listening to my ipod while messaging my head and eating a jalepeno...laughing.

Make Insecurity Fly Away Spell

Want to rid your life of insecurity and depression? Find a white candle. Get chimes or locate Tibetan tingsha cymbals. Tingshas are powerful magical aids that chase away depression and other plagues. Walk outside under the Moon. Light your candle. Put it in a safe spot behind you. Place the cymbals at your feet. Face the Moon. Raise your arms. With a circling hand-motion, imagine pulling the Moon toward you. Chant:

Powers under the Moon, I release insecurity.
I send you back where you belong,
you have no place in my life.

Ring your cymbals. Let the sounds reverberate throughout your force field. You should feel better immediately. Repeat the spell as needed.

By Susan Sheppard

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Completely off Topic for me

I was home sick yesterday - a stomach virus of sorts.  All day long I was watching TV, and countless commericals for Oprah appeared.  Oprah was having a epiphany for weight loss, her guest's book gave it to her.  I thought, oh good, maybe an answer for me.  Lately my weightloss journey has stalled and died.  My current weight is 250 pounds.  I have been going to Weight Watchers for 7 straight years - when I started I weighed 248.  Now during that time period I did loose 50 pounds, but slowly gained it all back.  I keep saying that I don't leave because I am stubborn, somewhere along the way I will get it. I do.  I know how to loose weight.  I do have thyroid problems but I am on synthoroid, so they say its under control.  But sometime I doubt that.  There are those days I feel so sluggish and so bloated I know it has to be off.  But when I get the blood test it is usually when I am feeling fine. 

So who was the guess you ask, or maybe you saw it,  Geneen Roth and her book Women, food and God.

Here is where you can see Oprah's epiphany -

In the beginning of the show I thought, maybe I should buy this book, but it doesn't contain anything I really don't know already, I still might buy it, but I had my own epiphany of sorts.

I thought this morning - my problem is Candy - I love candy - I eat candy - I dream candy.  The rest of the day I eat so healthy.  I eat a low fat, high fiber diet, trying to watch my sugar until suddenly - I am BEZERK and I need candy.  So I went way back - when did it start.

When I was a child I would come home from school looking for the afternoon snack I lived with my Grandmother, Attilla the Hun, and she would give me candy.  I realize this morning that I really really equated that candy with comfort and love.  My grandmother was stuck with me.  My parents divorced when I was a baby and I never met my father.  My mother left me at my grandmother's and grandfathers when I was in about 3rd grade.  My Grandfather was my saving grace, there I felt love but he died on cancer when I was in sixth grade.

I would sometimes eat a whole sleeve of Mallo cups after school.  Or a couple packs of yodels, and then here is where the catch 22 comes, the heavier I got the more jokes about me that would happen, the more jokes the less I felt love, the more candy I ate for comfort.

Here is another epiphany when your overweight there seems to be interventions by family and friends so concerned over you weight, but all you would need is a - "hey I love you".  Instead of "you eat too much" "we are worried"  "your health" yada yada yada.  Even my cardiologists said maybe we should wire your mouth shut - jokenly of course, but that just goes to my brain as another unlove statement.

I had a few good years I was a walker - 4 miles a day - watched what I ate - but why now - why now do I weigh 250.  Then I figured it out.  I am not feeling loved again.  I live with someone for 10 years but we haven't been intimate in about 2 or 3 years, at first it was hard for me, he has heart issue and he says the medication does this to him, he won't talk to the dr.  I know he loves me, but probably way down deep I don't believe it.  Since we stopped having sex, I have gained the weight.  Turning to chocolate instead of kisses.

 So now that I have this answer.....where do I go?  How do I love myself enough to let the candy go?  I mean I love me, I know I do, but how is that good enough.......hmmm....

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Feel More Attractive: 6 Magical Ways

What is the secret of attraction? We all know people who are not in any sense conventionally beautiful, but we find ourselves drawn to them by something we can't define. I think it's all about allowing a certain kind of
primal goddess-nature to shine through us. When we do, we become irresistible. The following ideas--some ancient and traditional, some very new--encourage us to exude our natural inner radiance, sensuality, and
magical juiciness. Who could resist? Try a few of these and see what happens. After all, it is the Beltane season and attraction is in the air!

1.) Magical Affirmation. Gaze into a mirror and repeat, "I am a channel for primal goddess energy. This goddess energy needs me to be strong and authentic. The more I am true to myself, the more I am true to her." Imagine beginning to hold yourself like a goddess, walk like a goddess.

Allow a goddess-like sense of dignity and utter loveableness to permeate your very being.

2.) Open Ears.

Nothing is more powerfully attractive to others than feeling that they are really being heard by you. The
charm of someone who truly listens is undeniable. Anoint your ears with oil of lavender to help you open them to others.

3.) Magical Underwear. Dust your under things with powdered orrisroot. This dried root of the iris
flower has been used for centuries in this way ( before the advent of underwear, women used it on the garments closest to their skin ). Think of it as fairy dust helping you to rise above your usual ways of relating. Buy it online or from your favorite herbalist.
 * Zoey note - I ordered my on e-bay yesterday I will let you know how that works out!!!!!

4.) Chewable Heat. Chew cloves: they're spicy and delicious, they sweeten your breath, and when you taste the heat on your tongue, remember your own fiery nature and revel in it! Attraction is partly about electricity, about fire and heat. Cloves help us to amp it up.

5.) Use a Rune.

Draw a rune, ( like gyfu, for instance, which is shaped like an "X" and means the giving associated with
partnership ) on your inner thigh with something that will create a good nontoxic red line ( geranium petals
and beet juice both work ). Just like wearing sexy underwear, even if no one else can see it, you know it's
there--and a sense of mystery and allure will show on your face.

6.) The Red Thread. Hair has centuries-old associations with attraction. Mermaid-type sirens called hapless sailors to them by combing their hair. As you brush yours, visualize infusing each strand with the electric power of fascination. Tie a small section of your hair with red thread, where it will not show, if possible. Touch the thread whenever you need to remind yourself of this electric fire.
* Zoey note - I have red hair - I guess I could hide a red thread in it easy.

Adapted from Witch in the Kitchen, by Cait Johnson Inner Traditions, 2001

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Flow of Life Meditation

While we are the masters of our own destinies, we are a part of the natural world and the order of that world. Nature has a pattern of flow. Each creation is given attributes and gifts that, when utilized, encourage our flow to the universal abundance of mind, body, and spirit. When we make choices that deviate from the life flow, we tend to find ourselves in need. Reattune yourself to the natural pattern by picturing a waterway that leads to a glorious Moon or starlit horizon. Burn sandalwood on a charcoal block and say:

Lead me back to the flow of the universe, attune me to the pattern of my life.

Meditate, using the guided imagery. Write any perceptions that enter your awareness. Be alert for opportunities to improve your flow.

By Karen Follett

Monday, May 3, 2010

Magical Thresholds

The thresholds of our homes are portals for magical energy. Whether it's a window, a porch, or a front door, these architectural features are more than mere necessities; they also serve as entry points for the flow of magical energy.

This belief is very old. In ancient Rome for example, house spirits were thought to dwell in courtyards, and in eastern Europe, ancestral spirits are sometimes still believed to inhabit dark spaces beneath the front porch.

Today, practitioners of the ancient art of feng shui place a great deal of importance on a home's threshold. Windows, porches, and doors are seen as openings that channel energy into and through the home, affecting all who live there.

You can easily turn a window, porch, or the front door of your home or apartment into a place of beauty, magic, and protection. No matter if you own a large home with a wrap-around porch or live in an apartment with a terrace, you can create a magical threshold that's cozy and protective.

Windows: The Eyes of Your Home

Windows are truly the eyes of your home. They provide us with light and beauty and can also help keep out negativity. Windows have been associated with magic for centuries. If you look closely at Moorish-influenced architecture for example, you'll notice that the windows are frequently made in different sizes and shapes. This is not just an architectural oddity; it would confuse evil spirits so they would not enter.

Windows have also been linked to one of the world's oldest magical beliefs, the evil eye. It was believed that the dreaded curse of the evil eye could pass into a dwelling through a window from the envious glare of a passerby. This belief was especially strong in England during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. During that time, reflective glass spheres known as Witch balls were displayed in windows in many homes. It was thought that the shiny reflective surface would return the spell of the evil eye back to the sender. This tradition lives on today in the form of garden gazing globes.

If you are fortunate enough to find an authentic Witch ball today, they can be pricey. Sometimes they will turn up in antique shops. To magically protect your windows using the same idea, but without the expense, try these suggestions.

You could find an inexpensive small gazing ball at a garden center. Magically cleanse and charge the ball with your intent, then display it near a front window. For an attractive look, place the gazing ball among a grouping of houseplants.

Glass ornaments available in gift stores and art galleries can also be used in windows to repel negativity. The best types have a swirl pattern, which is believed to trap any negative energy directed at your home and render it harmless.

Stained-glass pieces and suncatchers can also be used to protect your windows. I once found a suncatcher in the shape of a crescent New Moon; it was a beautiful shade of blue. It hung for many years in my bedroom window keeping out unwanted energy. Suncatchers made with glass or crystal beads also create a magical barrier. Their natural ability to capture and reflect light will help protect your home.

Porches: A Magical Sanctuary

Porches are transitional spaces between the outside world and our private inside living space. Even if you have only a front step instead of a porch, this area can easily become a magical sanctuary. With the right plants and decorative accents, your porch will become a haven for you and inviting for others, attracting positive energy at the same time.

To begin with, your porch decor should echo the changing seasons. I've had neighbors tell me they enjoy seeing the seasonal changes I make to my front porch. Here are some ideas to keep you in step with the seasons.

Spring: Give your porch a good magical cleaning. Sprinkle some salt on the porch floor and give it a good sweeping. Sweep away from your front door toward the street. Pot some pansies or primroses to attract or strengthen love--primroses also are used for protection. If you don't have a garden, buy a pot of daffodils and place them on your porch step--daffodils will draw fertility and love. If you have any wall space hang a garden plaque in the shape of the Green Man--this nature deity represents spring and growth.

Summer: Nothing says summer like a simple terra-cotta pot planted with red geraniums. They are protective and attract good health. This is also the time to plant a pot of fiery, protective herbs (basil, dill, and rosemary are superb choices). The herbs will super-charge any space with protective energy and add zip to summer recipes. If you have a trellis connected to your porch, plant some morning glory vines, especially in blue. Morning glories will promote peace and provide shade.

Autumn: Now nature takes on the colors of a Persian carpet--gold, red, and rust dominate the landscape. These are colors of strength and protection; they're the colors of the sun. To bring these colors to your porch, plant a pot of chrysanthemums, used to protect against evil spirits. Or plant the flowers in a window-box with some ivy to trail over the sides. The ivy protects against negativity and doesn't mind the cooler temperatures of autumn. To promote fertility and protection, display some pumpkins and Indian corn in a basket. And for a bit of old-fashioned protection magic, hang a dried gourd in a corner of your porch.

Winter: The air may be crisp and icicles may hang from the eaves, but your porch can still be inviting. For good luck and protection, hang a swag of holly on your porch or layer it in a window-box. As a symbol of everlasting life, pine is the best choice. Combine it with holly in a windowbox, a swag, or a wreath to symbolize eternity ad protection. The fragrance of pine will purify your porch and a few pine needles sprinkled by your front steps will repel any negativity. Darkness comes quickly now and the year draws to a close. To symbolize the Divine Spirit and light the way for the coming year, hang a string of tiny white or blue lights on your porch railing. Or, add them to a pine garland for a nice effect.

For a New Year's resolution, promise yourself you'll make time to relax on your front porch during the coming year!

Doors: Your Personal Gateway

Doors stand at the point where the internal and external forces of magical energy meet. Doors are our personal gateway from the past to the future. And they act as a sentry--protecting, guarding, and keeping us safe. There are many magical beliefs associated with doorways. Here are some examples to help you guard your door with protective magic.

Long ago in rural America, if a housewife wanted to protect her home against malevolence, she might have sprinkled a few grains of salt along the door sill. At night, she'd lean her trusty broom across the inside of the front door.

To favor household spirits, small bits of food would be left outside the door at night. This was also done on nights of the Wild Hunt to protect the home against unseen spirits that rode the wind beneath the Full Moon.

In rural Greece years ago, if only one knock was heard at the door after dark, the door wouldn't be answered because a single knock was believed to be that of a vampire.

One of the most enduring forms of magic associated with the front door is the welcoming shape of a wreath. Whether it's made of pine at Yule or bittersweet berries in the fall, the wreath is the symbol of eternity and the wheel of the year. When a wreath is blessed with your magic, it will protect hearth and home.

Whether you threshold is a simple step or a spacious veranda, your threshold should be warm inviting, and above all, magical.

by James Kambos

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Sunday night thought - completely off my usual topics

Good Evening Dear Readers:

Well it's Sunday Night, a storm - severe thunderstorms actually are brewing, and maybe it is them and the lightening looming out the back window that are making my mood blue.  It was quite the weekend.  Friday started me off on a sour note - late in the day I saw the DIL post of a cake and wonderful note to the #1 Grandma, but of course the cake was not for me but her mother, I guess I get a #2 Grandma stale cupcake at a later date.  But life is like it, is it not, there is always a #1 - and I guess when it comes to your children you can only do so much for them - and her mother is a good women, she does not work, while unfortunately I must so I cannot spend the hours with her that I could so I guess she deserves the #1 status, sometimes, though I wish people thought more before they spoke, I to am so guilty of that myself.

 Later Friday night I did celebrate the season with a fire out in the firepit, burning some sage and leaving a little dessert and wine for the fae folk for Beltane.   Saturday I so much to do - planning my woman's group annual big party - this year I am adding a memorial service to it beside of the normal stuff.  Imagine, a friend of mine died, and her family had no memorial -  everyone deserves something.  I want everyone to wear bright colors when I die and bring a Teddy Bear.  So this woman's life will be celebrated as everyones should be.

Things have been rough at home to and it did not help that I had road rage today on my way to a baseball game today - I got over it - but bf did not.  Kinda spoiled the day again.  We had to walk so far.  And lastly my legs have been bothering me - I would make a doctors appointment, but sometime I feel like a whiner - I keep thinking if I lost the weight..... but that's what drs always blame everything on, is it not? 

I hear thunder - and oh no a severe thunderstorm warning on tv.  I better go and prepare to ride out a storm.

Good night dear readers. I hope I caused no one undo sadness - misery loves company - but don't feel blue for me.  Life will balance again.

I hope.

Hugs and kisses, dream and wishes,

Love Zoey K