As the sun spirals its longest dance,
Cleanse us
As nature shows bounty and fertility
Bless us
Let all things live with loving intent
And to fulfill their truest destiny.
( - Taken from a Wiccan blessing for Summer)
( - Taken from a Wiccan blessing for Summer)
Ah the Summer Solstice is upon us, are you ready to celebrate the longest day of the year?Summer Solstice is sometimes known as Midsummer, Litha, or St. John's Day and it is the start of summer. Since the days thusly start to get shorter they use to celebrate with a bonfire to ensure the light would not go out.
Personally I like to reflect that night next to a fire and think about all the wonderful things that summer brings. I like to throw some herbs into the fire - Herbs good for this are thyme (helps one see into the other dimension), sage (cleansing and protecting), rosemary (for good luck and preventing others' negativity from affecting you), or lavender (for purification, enabling one to see ghosts, and is traditionally thrown on midsummer fires as a sacrifice to ancient gods). Dance around the fire! Celebrate!!!
At this time you should also make a pact with Mother Earth of something that you will do to improve the environment and then begin carrying it out. How wonderful this would be if all people would begin to take better care of our Mother Earth.
Some Bright Blessing for a wonderful summer - may all things bright and beautiful come to you this year.
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