Among witches and many other practitioners of magick, you'll hear the words"sacred space" often. Some people feel it's very important to set up a protected sphere of energy around any area in which magick is about to occur. Other people don't bother with this step, especially if they're working with very simple magicks. I'm somewhere between these two groups.
For very important matters, complicated procedures, or any magick in which you're trying to get rid of a negative spiritual influence, I think aformalized sacred space is a good idea (call it metaphysical insurance).The ritualistc nature of creating sacred space helps ensure that you're in the right frame of mind for magick. Additionally, a well-designed sacred space keeps any unwanted energies out and your magick firmly within until you're ready to project it.
Finally, sacred space has an ambiance all its own. Within this sphere there's a connection with Spirit, a sense of being part of all time and all space at once, and a distinct hush that makes whatever happens there really special. That's why you hear many practitioners use the phrase "out of space, out of time" when talking about sacred space. The sphere marks the line between world and not-world, where your magickal tapestry begins to take shape. Here's how to make one yourself:
1. Clean up the area in which you're going to work. I've yet to see a messy church. Your apartment, back yard, house, or room is about to become a church, so treat it accordingly. No, you don't have to redecorate; just make things neat, so the externals aren't distracting and project the image you would want to show to an honored guest.
2. Decide which part of this area will act as the central point and figure out where the four directional points lie. If you wish, decorate these four points with symbolic tokens like feathers or bells for east (air), a candle or incense for south (fire), a glass of water or seashell for west (water),and a stone or seeds for north (earth). These little tokens help welcome the elemental energies (read: nature spirits) you're going to be invoking when creating sacred space.
3. Make sure you have everthing you need as the center point of the circle before starting. Once the sacred space is created, you'll want to stayinside until you're done with your magick.
4. Stand in the middle of the area. Shake out your hands, stretch a bit,and take three deep cleansing breaths to get yourself centered. Now visualize the same white light as before pouring down into your body. Once you feel all warm and tingly, walk to the eastern point of the area and holdout your arms as if to welcome an old friend. Say something like, "Welcome powers of the east and air. Fill my words with magick." Envision this spotin the room being filled with light pouring out of your hands.
5. Move to the south (clockwise), continuing the visualization so the lightspreads to that spot and say something like, "Welcome power of the south andfire. Ignite my heart with magick."
6. Move to the west, continuing the visualization so the light now covers three-quarters of the room and say something like, "Welcome powers of the west and water. Flow into this sacred space with magick."
7. Move finally to the north. Now your mind's eye should see the wholearea covered in a silvery-white glow, all around, above and below. Say something like, "Welcome powers of the north and earth. Give my magick rich soils in which to grow."
8. Go to the center of the space and do whatever work you have at hand (for example, a spell, the rest of a ritual, or a meditation). Also take a little time to pray if you can. Let the magick settle in your mind andheart too!
9. When you're done, say farewell to the powers you called upon in the invocation, reversing the process and moving counterclockwise. Use whatever words feel comfortable to you.
10. Make notes about the procedure in your magick journal.
What felt good? What did you sense right after the magick sphere went into place? What parts do you want to use or adapt in the future?
Since our life's needs don't always surrender to pragmatics or even what we might wish to do under ideal circumstances, the simplified nature of folk traditions comes as a relief. Though it is always helpful to create sacred space when working this kind of hearth-and-home magick, it may not benecessary. Truth be told, I often do without. Instead I use one of two quicker approaches that get the job done even when my kids are being uncooperative.The first approach is visualizing yourself in a protective, white-light bubble so that you're less likely to experience outside interference. If you wish, also pray to your vision of the god/dess to oversee your efforts. This technique is especially useful when you have to work magick in a very public place. Without it, the odd intermingling of energy can really setthings askew. The light bubble is spiritually generic -- it will work for everyone, no matter their Path. It's based on my personal belief that sacredness is engendered as much by attitude as by actions and words. Therefore, if you start treating yourself as a sacred space, you can work magick anytime,anywhere, without formalized routines. In the words of Buddha, "Wherever you live is your temple if you treat it like one."
The second alternative is to pick out four symbolic objects for earth(north), air (east), fire (south), and water (west). What you choosedoesn't matter as long as the symbolic connection is obvious to you, but I suggest you keep them small for easy storage. For example, try a crystal or potted plant for earth, a feather or air freshener for air, a candle or lighter for fire, and a seashell or sand for water. When you have a few free minutes, whisper a suitable invocation like those given previously into each object three times to charge it with elemental energy. After this,repeat the elemental name into the object as well (for example, if you've chosen a crystal for earth, whisper the word "earth" into it three times).When you're done, wrap these objects in a white cloth or put them in aspecial box until needed. Then the next time you need to set up sacredspace quickly, bring out the tokens and put them as close as possible totheir directional correspondences wherever you're planning to work. As you set out each one, repeat its elemental name to activate the energy. When you put the objects away, do so in reverse order to disengage the sphere.
from "Magick Made Easy" by Patricia Telesco
Great posting. Good to start with a clutter free and clear space and begin from there. Ritual that uses sacred sound is very powerful in clearing and shifting energies. Making sacred space is such an ancient ritual, that it is a matter of awakening this memory with love and care. I am a visionary artist, designer and feng shui consultant, lover of earth and all things sacred.