Samhain Spell for Luck
by Rowan
Items Needed:
A mini pumpkin
1 Tea Light Candle
Knife and spoon to cut top of pumpkin and get seeds out with.
Herbs -- Nutmeg, Rose, Bay and Mint
First, take the herbs and mix them. Don't forget to visualize them being energized with good energy while mixing. Also infuse them with 'luck' energy - think about luck in general.Then set up your altar, cast the circle, call quarters, etc.
If you can do this spell outside then that would be better.
First stand in front of your altar and do a short meditation on the season and all the lucky situations you have been in the past year. See the changing leaves falling from the trees. Smell the scents of apples and cider and feel the coolness of the air. Just take a few minutes and 'feel' the season - attune with nature. Be thankful for everything you have been given in the past year and think about all the luck you were blessed with in the past.
Then take the small pumpkin and cut the top off and scoop out the insides. Take a tea light candle and place it inside the pumpkin. Hold your hands around the pumpkin and say something like:
"Great Mother, Wise Crone.
She who dwells in the shadows this day
while the veil between this world and the next is the thinnest.
Great Mother of things foretold, grant me luck this coming year.
As the autumn leaves fall to the earth, so does lucky energy fall into me.
So Mote it Be!"
While doing this, envision white light going into the pumpkin and candle. See too, positive, lucky energy radiating from your hands. Then light the candle, then take the herbs and sprinkle them clockwise (deosil) around the pumpkin.
Say something like :
"In the name of the Great Crone, this spell is done! So mote it be!"
After the candle is done burning, take the pumpkin and bury it outside somewhere.
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