Thursday, October 29, 2009

Spiritual Path Reaffirmation

During the Witches' New Year, or Samhain, take time to stop and evaluate your faith and beliefs.

Make a sacred ritual or retreat out of this evaluation.

Light white candles and burn sandalwood, myrrh, or frankincense.

Brew a cup of herbal tea.

Sit down and ask the God and Goddess to guide you on your path.

Write down your beliefs in a journal or your Book of Shadows. Some questions you can meditate on are: What is life? How do I view theuniverse? Why am I here? What affirms my spirituality and what lessens it?How can I bring spirituality into my everyday life? After writing, you can create a statement of faith based on your answers to the questions. Recite what you write by candlelight for the universe to hear. Rediscover and rededicate yourself to your spirituality.

I cannot tell you how much I need this ritual this year. My energy feels scattered, my mind is frazzled and my body in disarray and much need of self-care. I did not do any rituals for Samhain last year and I have regretted ever since, so this year I am sure, that at the least, I am doing this one.

Happy Halloween and Samhain to you, my Blessed readers.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Samhain Spell for Luck

Samhain Spell for Luck

by Rowan

Items Needed:

A mini pumpkin

1 Tea Light Candle

Knife and spoon to cut top of pumpkin and get seeds out with.

Herbs -- Nutmeg, Rose, Bay and Mint

First, take the herbs and mix them. Don't forget to visualize them being energized with good energy while mixing. Also infuse them with 'luck' energy - think about luck in general.Then set up your altar, cast the circle, call quarters, etc.

If you can do this spell outside then that would be better.

First stand in front of your altar and do a short meditation on the season and all the lucky situations you have been in the past year. See the changing leaves falling from the trees. Smell the scents of apples and cider and feel the coolness of the air. Just take a few minutes and 'feel' the season - attune with nature. Be thankful for everything you have been given in the past year and think about all the luck you were blessed with in the past.

Then take the small pumpkin and cut the top off and scoop out the insides. Take a tea light candle and place it inside the pumpkin. Hold your hands around the pumpkin and say something like:

"Great Mother, Wise Crone.

She who dwells in the shadows this day

while the veil between this world and the next is the thinnest.

Great Mother of things foretold, grant me luck this coming year.

As the autumn leaves fall to the earth, so does lucky energy fall into me.

So Mote it Be!"

While doing this, envision white light going into the pumpkin and candle. See too, positive, lucky energy radiating from your hands. Then light the candle, then take the herbs and sprinkle them clockwise (deosil) around the pumpkin.

Say something like :

"In the name of the Great Crone, this spell is done! So mote it be!"

After the candle is done burning, take the pumpkin and bury it outside somewhere.

Friday, October 23, 2009

A Witch's Bottle for Harmony, Peace and Comfort

In a small, clean, blue or pink bottle assemble the following items:

9 cloves, 9 dried peas, a dried orange peel, one dried or fresh rose, and a tbsp. or so of lavender flowers. Also have a small piece of parchment, a pen, lavender and rose essential oils, and a blue stone.

Be sure the bottle is cleansed both physically and spiritually before using it!

On the night of a waxing moon, assemble All the necessary items and on the parchment, inscribe the appropriate rune for harmony, peace and comfort.
Visualize your home as peaceful and harmonious. Place the parchment In the bottle.

Now add the stone and herbs and visualizing as you Do.

Finally add the oils and say:

The spell is cast

By herbs and stone

So Mote it Be!

Leave the bottle uncorked some place where you will catch the scent now and then.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Samhain suggestions

Samhain Incense Recipe
3 Parts Frankincense

2 parts Myrrh

1 Part Rosemary

1 Part Cedar1

Part Juniper
Crush all ingredients together until ground to a fine paste, tis best to use a Mortar and Pestle for this if you have one available. Burn upon lit charcoal blocks within a fire proof container.

Suggested Altar Decorations
Seasonal items should decorate the Altar, as is usual. Grains, turnips, pumpkins and dried flowers are appropriate (being the Final Harvest Festival). Some extras that you may also wish to consider are things like apples, tarot cards, runes, hazel nuts, divination wands and a plate of food to be left outside for the wandering spirits. A yellow candle with a sun painted on it is a worthy representation of the dying God. The Altar cloth is black, the Altar candles should be red and black.

Suggested Ritual
Cleanse yourself and your space in your normal manner. Invoking both the God and the Goddess. Once this is done, light the God candle.

Say: "On this night when the dead once more walk freely among the living, we pass into darkness and do so willingly, for we know that it is simply the turning of the wheel. We give thanks to the God and the Goddess for the bounty that They have provided us over the summer. On this night , the Lord of the Hunt, the Lord of the Sun passes away from us. We realize, however, that it is simply the cycle of life, and we wait for that time when the Sun will once more be born of the moon.
As this candle represents the Lord of the Sun, so does it's blowing out represent the passing of the Lord of the Sun." Having said this, extinguish the God candle.
This candle is not to be lit again until Yule. Now is the time to invoke the crone aspect of the Goddess by saying: "Goddess of the stars and of the waning moon, Goddess of magic and wisdom, whisper in my ear whatever you may and trust that the knowledge will be wisely used. Lend your power to my spells and rituals and trust that they will result in no harm to any of your creatures, great or small."
Now is the time for any magick or seasonal activities which you had planned to perform this evening, and things such as drumming and chanting, carving apples or pumpkins, divination (with the Tarot, runes, wands, hazelnuts, or a pendulum) or Scrying in fire, smoke or water are all popular on this Sabbat. After any Magick is finished, then celebrate with Cakes and Ale, before banishing the sacred circle.

Take the offering dish outside, and bury the offerings in the earth.

Remember to leave a plate of food outside for wandering spirits!

PS - I also leave a little sweet cream and a sweet treat for the Fairies.

Samhain Chant

Fire red, summer's dead

Yet it shall return.

Clear and bright, in the night,

Burn, fire, burn!

Chorus:Dance the ring, luck to bring,

When the year's a-turning.

Chant the rhyme at Hallows-time,

When the fire's burning.

Fire glow, vision show

Of the heart's desire,

When the spell's chanted well

Of the witching fire.

Chorus:Dance the ring, luck to bring,

When the year's a-turning.

Chant the rhyme at Hallows-time,

When the fire's burning.

Fire spark, when nights are dark

Makes our winter's mirth.

Red leaves fall, earth takes all,

Brings them to rebirth.

Chorus:Dance the ring, luck to bring,

When the year's a-turning.

Chant the rhyme at Hallows-time,

When the fire's burning.

Fire fair, earth and air,

And the heaven's rain,

All blessed be, and so may we,

at Hallows-tide again.

Chorus:Dance the ring, luck to bring,

When the year's a-turning.

Chant the rhyme at Hallows-time,

When the fire's burning.

By Doreen Valiente

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Samhain - October 31st

Alternate Names:Samhain, Halloween, Hallowe'en, Celtic 'Feast of the Dead'

Druidic Name:Samhuin

Christian Equivalent:All Saints' Day, Allhallows, Hallowmas, Allhallowmas

Place in the Natural Cycle:Samhain (pronounced 'Sow-en') is the cross-quarter festival that marks the start of the winter quarter of the year and the end of the autumn quarter. By Samhain, threadbare trees and colder nights make it clear that winter is near.

Further Details Samhain is the time of the third and final harvest when, in earlier days, cattle were brought in from summer pastures. Excess livestock was slaughtered and the meat smoked or salted for winter.

Samhain is a time for divination and honouring the dead, for the veil that divides the mundane and subtle realms is considered to be particularly insubstantial on this day.

To the Celts, this was the Feast of the Dead and the Night of the Wild Hunt. Samhain marked the Celtic New Year and was the most important of the festivals. As with other festivals, Samhain is not constrained bythe artificial midnight to midnight divisions of modern conception, and it is usually considered as starting at sundown on October 31st and ending at sundown on November 1st. Thus much of the celebration of Samhain does occur at the most appropriate time: Halloween.

The Christian tradition treats Samhain as a Festival of the Dead too, with the souls of departed saints remembered on 1st November (AllSaints' Day), and those of the non-canonized dead the following day (All Souls' Day). The Church established All Saints' Day in the seventh century when the Pantheon in Rome was consecrated as the Church of the Blessed Virgin and All Martyrs, recasting both the Festival of the Deadand the Temple to All Gods in terms of Christian theology.

Samhain is a time to look back to the past and forward to the future. Iti s beneficial to reflect on those you have known and the experiences you have shared, as well as to take the time to view the possibilities ahead of you. Samhain is a profound time of the year, offering the opportunity of understanding.

Ritual Preparations

Since spirits and faeries run free today, you may wish to take extra precautions in protecting your home and sacred space. Clean the floors with basil-steeped water to wash away any negativity from the old year. Hang gorse near your windows or doorway, and cast white beans around the circle to banish both ghosts and bad luck. Gather pictures of, or memorabilia from, people in your life who have passed over, and put these in the sacred space at the western point. For the three other points you will need a knife or scissors, a candle, and a symbol of transformation. Carve a pair of back and white candles to represent what you want to release and gather for the new year, respectively. Also find a crystal to use for scrying, (quartz and obsidian are two good choices), have self-lighting charcoal for the brazier (or cauldron), and write messages on pieces of paper for your loved ones who have passed over (one piece of paper for each individual you wish to contact).The Altar Cover the altar in a black or orange cloth. Decorate it with traditional Halloween touches, such as an iron cauldron, bats, owls, brooms, andskeletons. Add a pomegranate to represent the cycle ofl ife-death-rebirth at one side of the brazier; place your messages tol oved ones on the other. Put the black and white candles at opposite sides of the table's surface.


Begin the ritual when it is totally dark outside. This invocation begins with a prayer that opens the way for the spirits of beloved friends and ancestors to join you:"Lady and Lord, pull aside the veil; the edge of time where all thingsbegin and end. open a gateway to my loved ones that they may join me inthis rite."

Cast the circle starting in the West, the region where several cultures believe afterlife abides. West ~ "I, ______come into the circle of Water, a circle of might, tosing of my family on this holy night." Place a familial token on thewestern point to welcome those spirits."

North ~ "I come to the circle of Earth, the circle of peace, sowandering spirits may be released. Place a knife or pair of scissors here to symbolize the freeing of ties." (Some spirits linger in the Earth plane because they feel compelled to watch over loved ones.)

East ~ "I come into the circle of Air, a circle of change. Let the old be transformed, by spirit rearranged. Leave an emblem here of what you plan to transform in the ritual using the black and white candles."

South ~ "I come into the circle of Fire, a circle of song, as the lightgrows shorter, and night grows long. Extinguish a candle at this pointof the circle to represent the season's darkness."

Center ~ "I come into the circle of the Ancients, a circle of light, and welcome familial spirits, this All Souls' Night."Light a central candle, any colour you choose, to represent the Spirit'spresence.

Meditation and Visualization

Hallows is a time for remembering, and for journeying into our own subconscious. This sojourn unlocks the keys for integrating our past,and handling the present more effectively.For this meditation, sit with the crystal you have chosen and close your eyes. Think of one person, now deceased, whom you would trust as aguide, and ask silently for his or her guidance. Breathe deeply and slowly. Feel the energy of the crystal in your hand.For now, let it sit idly here, lending its insightful power to the mediation process. If it helps, lie on the floor with the crystal resting on your Third Eye while you meditate. Envision all those friends and family members who have passed over in a circle around you, linking hands. Let their love become a magic sphere that holds you in this place between worlds. As you feel this protective, caring energy grow, the crystal will begin to get warm. When this happens, open your eyes and take the crystal in hand. Think now of one question that has been nagging you. Direct that question into the crystal. Look at the surface of the stone, and let your gaze become naturally blurry. Watch for images to appear. You may see literal portraits, symbols, or clouds in response to your question. Portraits and symbols have to be interpreted by you. Generally bright or white clouds in moving up or to the right are good omens, while those appearing dark, or moving down and to the left are negative portents.

After you receive your answer, whisper your thanks to the spirits who watched over you, and to the stone. Make notes of the experience you hadin your ritual journal.

The Ritual

Stand before your altar, saying:"I welcome the Old Ones, I offer hospitality to kindly guiding spirits in this sacred space. Those of you who chose to join me here, I beg aboon. Into these fires I place message for people close to my heart."Place the pieces of paper on which you've written your messages todeparted loved ones into the cauldron of fire."Impart these words gently to ______(fill in with the names of those youwish to contact). Carry the smoke of love and memories with you into thenext world when you return."This is a good point in the ritual to look over old scrap books andrevel in positive memories. Allow tears to flow freely, along withlaughter as part of the circle of life.

Next, light the black candle saying,"Death is a part of life. Today_____ (fill in whatever you've chosen torelease) dies within me. This is not a loss, but a liberating changethat I welcome and accept."If possible, dance the circle counterclockwise at this point to releasenegativity. Keep moving until you feel finished casting the shadows froyour life.

Light the white candle, saying,"From death to the old ways comes life anew. I light the candle of _____(fill in with a characteristic you hope to gain) that it may always shine in my heart." Dance, or walk, the circle clockwise to drawpositive energy, and bring light to the darkness.

Other Activities

If you can take a trip to the graves of family or friends later, it'straditional to leave soul cakes there as an offering to the spirits of the departed. At home, leave out sweet cream for the Fey so they don't cause mischief.

Some people hold a séance tonight, or attempt other forms of divination such as pendulum work. If you hold a séance, please make sure that an experienced medium controls the attempt. There are many spirits wandering Earth, and you don't want to accidentally reach the wrong one!Pendulum divination is actually fairly easy to try. You'll need a lengtho f cotton or wool string that's as long as your elbow-to-fingertip measurement, plus a little extra. Thread the needle, wedding band, or other evenly weighted object onto this. Put the elbow of your stronghand on the table, with the pendulum hanging down from between yourpointer finger and thumb. Steady the pendulum, then think of a yes or noquestion. Clockwise or up-and-down movement is a positive answer, counterclockwise or left-and-right movement indicates a negative answer.

Closing the Circle

Put away the tokens you've placed at each quarter point as you recitethis dismissal. Note that the progression of the closing gives the attending spirits time to leave before the veil is closed again.

South"I release the circle of song,the circle of Fire.The way is opened by a cleansing pyre."

East"I release the circle of change,the circle of Air.The way is new, but the magick is there."

North"I release the circle of peace,the circle of Earth. The way is fertile for spirits rebirth."

West"I release the circle of Water,the circle of might.The way is ready; spirits take flight!"

Center"I release the circle of the Ancients,the circle of light.The way is closed, this holy night."

Closing prayer (optional)Lady and Lord, I have released, sown, and it is time torest. Bring peace to my spirit, to all those souls here gathered, and tothis place until we meet here again. So mote it be.

Post Ritual Foods

Traditionally, animals enjoy the food first today, in thankfulness for the gift of sustenance many of them offer. After that, try cultural foods favourite edibles of the departed people honoured in your ritual.Don't let the leftover pumpkin go to waste either; make pie or bread as a protective food. Also consider dark foods, such as rye or pumpernickelbread. Pork and apples are both customary foods for the dead, and beans are also a good choice -they grow counterclockwise!

Source Unknown

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Creating Sacred Space in Ten Steps

Among witches and many other practitioners of magick, you'll hear the words"sacred space" often. Some people feel it's very important to set up a protected sphere of energy around any area in which magick is about to occur. Other people don't bother with this step, especially if they're working with very simple magicks. I'm somewhere between these two groups.

For very important matters, complicated procedures, or any magick in which you're trying to get rid of a negative spiritual influence, I think aformalized sacred space is a good idea (call it metaphysical insurance).The ritualistc nature of creating sacred space helps ensure that you're in the right frame of mind for magick. Additionally, a well-designed sacred space keeps any unwanted energies out and your magick firmly within until you're ready to project it.

Finally, sacred space has an ambiance all its own. Within this sphere there's a connection with Spirit, a sense of being part of all time and all space at once, and a distinct hush that makes whatever happens there really special. That's why you hear many practitioners use the phrase "out of space, out of time" when talking about sacred space. The sphere marks the line between world and not-world, where your magickal tapestry begins to take shape. Here's how to make one yourself:

1. Clean up the area in which you're going to work. I've yet to see a messy church. Your apartment, back yard, house, or room is about to become a church, so treat it accordingly. No, you don't have to redecorate; just make things neat, so the externals aren't distracting and project the image you would want to show to an honored guest.

2. Decide which part of this area will act as the central point and figure out where the four directional points lie. If you wish, decorate these four points with symbolic tokens like feathers or bells for east (air), a candle or incense for south (fire), a glass of water or seashell for west (water),and a stone or seeds for north (earth). These little tokens help welcome the elemental energies (read: nature spirits) you're going to be invoking when creating sacred space.

3. Make sure you have everthing you need as the center point of the circle before starting. Once the sacred space is created, you'll want to stayinside until you're done with your magick.

4. Stand in the middle of the area. Shake out your hands, stretch a bit,and take three deep cleansing breaths to get yourself centered. Now visualize the same white light as before pouring down into your body. Once you feel all warm and tingly, walk to the eastern point of the area and holdout your arms as if to welcome an old friend. Say something like, "Welcome powers of the east and air. Fill my words with magick." Envision this spotin the room being filled with light pouring out of your hands.

5. Move to the south (clockwise), continuing the visualization so the lightspreads to that spot and say something like, "Welcome power of the south andfire. Ignite my heart with magick."

6. Move to the west, continuing the visualization so the light now covers three-quarters of the room and say something like, "Welcome powers of the west and water. Flow into this sacred space with magick."

7. Move finally to the north. Now your mind's eye should see the wholearea covered in a silvery-white glow, all around, above and below. Say something like, "Welcome powers of the north and earth. Give my magick rich soils in which to grow."

8. Go to the center of the space and do whatever work you have at hand (for example, a spell, the rest of a ritual, or a meditation). Also take a little time to pray if you can. Let the magick settle in your mind andheart too!

9. When you're done, say farewell to the powers you called upon in the invocation, reversing the process and moving counterclockwise. Use whatever words feel comfortable to you.

10. Make notes about the procedure in your magick journal.

What felt good? What did you sense right after the magick sphere went into place? What parts do you want to use or adapt in the future?
Since our life's needs don't always surrender to pragmatics or even what we might wish to do under ideal circumstances, the simplified nature of folk traditions comes as a relief. Though it is always helpful to create sacred space when working this kind of hearth-and-home magick, it may not benecessary. Truth be told, I often do without. Instead I use one of two quicker approaches that get the job done even when my kids are being uncooperative.The first approach is visualizing yourself in a protective, white-light bubble so that you're less likely to experience outside interference. If you wish, also pray to your vision of the god/dess to oversee your efforts. This technique is especially useful when you have to work magick in a very public place. Without it, the odd intermingling of energy can really setthings askew. The light bubble is spiritually generic -- it will work for everyone, no matter their Path. It's based on my personal belief that sacredness is engendered as much by attitude as by actions and words. Therefore, if you start treating yourself as a sacred space, you can work magick anytime,anywhere, without formalized routines. In the words of Buddha, "Wherever you live is your temple if you treat it like one."

The second alternative is to pick out four symbolic objects for earth(north), air (east), fire (south), and water (west). What you choosedoesn't matter as long as the symbolic connection is obvious to you, but I suggest you keep them small for easy storage. For example, try a crystal or potted plant for earth, a feather or air freshener for air, a candle or lighter for fire, and a seashell or sand for water. When you have a few free minutes, whisper a suitable invocation like those given previously into each object three times to charge it with elemental energy. After this,repeat the elemental name into the object as well (for example, if you've chosen a crystal for earth, whisper the word "earth" into it three times).When you're done, wrap these objects in a white cloth or put them in aspecial box until needed. Then the next time you need to set up sacredspace quickly, bring out the tokens and put them as close as possible totheir directional correspondences wherever you're planning to work. As you set out each one, repeat its elemental name to activate the energy. When you put the objects away, do so in reverse order to disengage the sphere.


from "Magick Made Easy" by Patricia Telesco

Monday, October 5, 2009

The Magical Bath

Taking a Magical Bath doesn't have to be complicated. It can be as simple as running to your local drug or beauty supply and buying a product that is appropriately scented or contains an herb or essential oil.

The important thing about taking one of these baths, no matter how humble or expensive the ingredients are, is to meditate on your intention while you are sitting in the tub. You can get a little fancier, by making an infusion from flowers, herbs or other elements. Brewing the herbs as you would brew a cup of herbal tea and then pouring the strained infusion into your bath water is the easiest way to make an infusion. You can also put the ingredients in a cheesecloth bag that hangs over the bathtub faucet and have the hot water run through the ingredients.

In some cases you can actually buy tea bags and just toss them in the water. I'm a purist so personally I love to throw the entire herb, flower or vegetable in the bath. It makes me feel like I am Cleopatra having a bath in ancient Egypt or like some kind of wicked harlot getting ready for her Roman Soldier. However if you do decide to get really into the food aspect of this make sure you have some kind of strainer on your drain so that stuff doesn't flow down your pipes. What can I say? Some miracles can be quite "messy". Here are a couple of "quick fixes" for aspiring witches on the run:

ALL PURPOSE AURA CLEANER: Half a cup of sea or Epsom salts plus half a cup of baking soda dumped in the tub is the potion used to purify the aura and clear it of all negative attachments so that you are surrounded by a rainbow of opportunities again.

BARLEY WATER BATH: This is for protection and to dispel evil with a capital E. This is definitely the one to do if you are feeling haunted by something that seems unseemly and of supernatural origin. Boil whole barley until it is soft in a pot. Drain and save the water. Pour into the bath. Bad spirits will run like hell.

CHAMOMILE: Chamomile not only relaxes you, but you can use it as a magical bath to draw money to you. Many preparations are available commercially but you can also make an infusion out of the buds or even throw the buds directly into the bath. I do not advise this if you are allergic to ragweed.

CHOCOLATE CHERRY BATH: Ok this one is completely decadent and is designed to bring more erotic pleasure into your life. First of all you should know that there are commercial chocolate bubble bath preparations out there on the market, but they can be somewhat hard to find in some areas. So what you need to do first, is mix yourself up a little glass of chocolate milk. The milk is good for your skin and the chocolate raises your serotonin levels - the pleasure chemicals in your brain. It also makes the water a very nice loving looking pink. You dump this into the tub as the hot water is pouring into the tub and then you pop nine whole cherries into the bath with you. Then you are supposed to sit there and eat each cherry, while imagining what a good time you are going to have with your lover. The little bobbing cherries are like all your “little ducks” lined up in a row when it comes to your romantic intentions. Rinse off good after this. You’ll need it.

FAME AND GLORY BATH: This one is from Lexa Rosean (author of The Supermarket Sorceress series of books). I tried it and I LOVED it. Cut an apple in nine pieces, or alternately throw nine whole shiny apples into the tub. Use green and golden apples if you want your fame to come with some money attached. Then add nine bay leaves. Get in the tub and immerse yourself for exactly nine minutes, and then get out. It is supposed to be a good one for artists and writers.

GINGER-LIME BATH: You can buy this commercially (made by Ombra). Which is way easier than grating the ginger, peeling the lime and making a “bath tea” out of it, or you can cut up some ginger and lime and make an infusion of it a pot. The ginger is to relax and focus you and the lime is for self-control, discipline and a clear head. This is a great bath for those who need to “get down to business fast.”

FRUIT BLOSSOM BATHS: Once again these are available commercially which will do, but it is really really nice to take a handful of blossoms from a tree and dump them in your bath. Apple Blossoms, Apricot Blossoms, Cherry Blossoms and Orange Blossoms all correspond to the planet Venus and are ideal for attracting love, fidelity and marriage proposals.

HONEYSUCKLE: You can buy this as a bubble bath or once again, just throw the flowers into the tub. Honeysuckle attracts wealth, riches, honours, marriage proposals and treasures. This is one way to draw the bird to the blossom. It also honours Chuparosa - the Divine Hummingbird of Love.

HOPS: You can buy hops in a commercially prepared bubble bath (OMBRA) or you can pour half a cup of beer in the bath for spiritual cleansing (and also a peaceful sleep.) David from Psychic Realm suggests combining a half a cup of sea salt, the juice of a lemon and a half of cup of beer for spiritual purification and protection from astral attack.

LAVENDER: Lavender corresponds to the planet Mercury and is used to improve communication, attract happiness and achieve piece of mind. It is also a very seductive flower that was used by prostitutes as a magic charm to attract customers many years ago. Many commercial preparations are available, but throwing in a few of the live buds might bring you a wealthy and generous lover.

OAT BEAUTY BATH: OK, most of us don’t live near a field, but if you gather your own oats and throw the sheaves into the bathtub with you, you are performing a significant act of magical transformation. Oats are very feminine and appeal to the Goddess energies. They soften the skin, make the eyes glow and give you a youthful appearance. You can throw a cup of raw, uncooked oats into the bath if you’re in hurry or you can buy a commercial preparation. Aveeno makes a good one.

ORANGE AND MINT LEAVES: This is a bath to make yourself more attractive and your skin smell really nice. Take nine mint leaves and nine orange segments and dump them in the bath with you. You don’t have to eat the mint and orange leaves this time (thank God) but you can if you get hungry.) When you get out of the bath, you are not supposed to rinse off, just towel yourself off lightly so that the scent lingers. You could also try mixing an orange bath gel with a mint one.

PINEAPPLE: Pineapple juice is used to bring luck, money and wealth, and if you are a savage purist, you can throw nine chunks of the raw stuff right in your bath. However I warn you, that it is pretty messy. Some people prefer to throw in the dried rinds. Just adding a spoonful of the juice or making an infusion from the dried rinds and immersing yourself from head to toe in it for a couple of minutes should make you luckier than a leprechaun.

ROSE: Roses correspond to Venus and attract love, luck and protection. There are tons of rose-scented products on the market, including essential oils - though David from Psychic Realm points out that Essential Rose Oil is incredibly expensive and you may want to stick with fragrance oils used in perfumes and baths. If you want to go all out and make yourself a powerful love attracting bath, tint the scented water pink with a touch of food colouring and cast a pinch or two some multicoloured glitter (from a craft store) in there to strengthen your magical intentions.

ROSEMARY: Rosemary is a powerful “wish granting” herb. Ombra makes an excellent commercial bath, but you can make an infusion of this from the spice jar in your cupboard or put a bit of the essential oil in your bath (but make it just one drop - rosemary is strong and can irritate the skin - so I mean it, use one drop!) A bath in rosemary uplifts the spirits and is used to create lust, attract love and improve communication skills. It is also corresponds to the Virgin Mary, so if you are in need of a lucky break, a bath in this may enable you to be shown some mercy.

SAFFRON BATH: Saffron was sacred to the Moon and Fertility Goddess, Ashtoreth. Saffron is a very expensive spice and you need to only add a couple of strands to your bath water to turn it a yellow colour. Don’t add too much or you will turn yellow. You’ll be a jaundiced colour. So either make an infusion from it first or just add one strand. Saffron was used to purify oneself before healing rituals, increase psychic powers and also attract love, happiness, lust, and strength.

SAGE BATH: Sage is an herb of wisdom. Make a brew of the herb and pour it into your bath. Some companies (like Ombra and Kniepp) make a sage bath, but you can also just buy the tea bags. This is a good bath to take just before studying for a test or if you are trying to find a solution to a problem.

Source: Article ”Magic Baths” by Sam Stevens.