Friday, April 9, 2010

Healty Habits Spell

Choose an item that represents a habit you want to break today. Wrap it in a black cloth and wrap the cloth with a paper chain. Say in a firm voice:

I break this pattern,

Which causes me such strife.

My self is worth much more to me.

I break this chain and set me free!

Break the chain of paper. Crush the item inside the black cloth if you can. Bury it under a large stone. Keep the chain on your altar as a reminder of your strength.

Well, I guess my item would have to be a chocolate bar, the demon chocolate always seems to have me in its grip and I have been trying for years to break away from it.  I am a weight watchers member and have literary lost 100's of pounds - just over and over again - for the last 2 years I have gained at lost the same 5 pounds week after week.  I am not saying ww does not work - it does - I had successfully lost 50 pounds, but then I gained it back and have been unable to loose it again.  But I won't give up, because giving up would be giving up on myself, and we should never ever give up on ourselves.  Spells like the one above serve as reminders, just like hanging a picture on fridge, it's a positive affirmation of the strength we have, but have forgotten.

Self control is a seed that is planted in all of us, it is up to us how we nuture it.

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