Thursday, July 22, 2010


If you have been suffering from a series of mishaps or bad luck,

there are things you can do to turn it around. The first thing I

advise is to clean the cobwebs out - literally! Clean up your room, your

office space, your whole house if you can. Do as much of the following as

you can:Get rid of clutter. It develops an atmosphere of stagnation and

prevents movement, both literally and symbolically.

Visualize yourself Turning out all the unwanted energies from

your life, ridding yourself of negativity and doubt and fear. Open

up all your windows (and doors, if possible). It's best to do this on a

sunny day,naturally. Throw them wide open to receive the cleansing and

blessings of the sun and wind.

Wash down as many washable surface areas as you can with some

kind of liquid on which a blessing has been performed. You can use

an elaborate ritual blessing or something quick like 'Lady and Lord,

bless this water for purification, protection and love.'

Suggestions: water in which some chopped-up lemons have been

steeped overnight, or rosemary infusion; either one smells good as

well as adding a nice protective touch.

Next, cleanse the area with a purifying incense; you can use a

blend, or one of the following alone: cedar, frankincense, copal,

gum arabic. If you can't stand the smell of incense, use an essential

oil burner, carried on a tray or in a baking dish to guard your hands.

Use purifying and protective oils; I like a few drops each of

sandalwood, frankincense and myrrh, and a drop of lemon.

Walk through the entire area, holding the incense/burner up so

that its fragrance penetrates every corner. I sometimes like to

sprinkle blessed salt water about, and to set white candles burning merrily

in every room (do this *after* closing the doors and windows!).

You can add a chant while sprinkling/fumigati ng/ lighting; I

like 'Banished be, negativity!' , it's short but to the point.

Finally, when the area smells all clean and holy, looks clean and is blazing with

light, sit down and enjoy. Eat something, preferably something bready; you'll

need it after all that work, and it'll help ground you in your newly

cleansed space.

Once all this is over and you've recovered from the work, cast a few

spells to get things moving, and to pull some good fortune your

way... such as a Good Luck Spell.


It's best to perform this one while the moon is waxing.

For this spell you'll need a candle to represent yourself in

whatever color you think appropriate, a gray candle, a black candle

and an orange candle.

Light the candle that represents yourself and say: 'This is me,

me in all things'.

Light the black candle and say: 'This is all the bad luck that

has dragged my footsteps. Trouble, disappointments and tears are

here. This bad luck now leaves me forever.'

Light the gray candle and say: 'All that was bad is neutralized.

All my bad luck is dissolved.'

Light the orange candle and say: 'This is the energy coming my

way, to get my life moving and speed up the change.'

Sit quietly for a while and visualize the negative energies

being whisked into the gray candle and dissolved into empty

nothingness. Visualize the orange candle drawing good energy and good luck

towards you, see the air stirring about with possibilities and opportunities. Let

the candles burn down completely (take the usual safety precautions) .

by Moon

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