Monday, March 5, 2012

Weight Loss Spell

I came across an interesting Weight Loss Spell - here is what you need:

* A dash of cinnamon
* 1 cup or glass (preferably crystal)
* A dash of salt (any type - I would use pink himalayan salt)
* 1 teaspoon of vinegar (apple cider vinegar would probably be the best)
* 1/2 cup of water

Mix in a crystal glass or cup.   Start with the water, then trickle in the vinegar, while doing so say the following:

Add to this glass from which I drink, the vile taste one would surely think.

Then  throw in a pinch of salt saying:

And a bit of salt to kill the taste, of my life I shall not waste

The toss in a bit of cinnamon saying:

and finally a touch of spice, to make the body slim and nice

The swirl the mixture together and raising up above your head and say:

With this potion I do ask guide me to goal
ease my hunger and soothe my  soul
strengthen my resolve as I wish, so mote it be

Drink up.

Now what I like about the spell it actually some good advice.  Vinegar has been used for weight loss.  Actually this is a practical drink to have to stimulate the liver.  You could substitute Lemon Juice, that would be my preference and I would probably prefer this warm.

Have a Blessed Day -Zoey K

1 comment:

  1. I have been using t fat burning pill and i drink slim tea yet nothing has change , 2 week ago i saw online about a weight loss spell , i contacted this ashra and requested for a weight loss spell , this spell was performed for me , this spell works real fast , My back and belly fat are melting away more and more every day. just a week of this spell , anyone who want to loss weight should contact ,ashra via email : or whatsapp message him +17202489730
