Water is simple yet powerful. When used magically, it can reflect truth, wishes, even the future.Water is an incredible substance. It can be frozen, vaporised or, more commonly, is a beautiful silvery liquid. In its many forms water is heavenly, cascading down a waterfall, trickling in a stream, billowing as clouds, casting rainbows, spattering cool rain. Water is the sea, huge icebergs, dark thunderclouds and glaciers. Imagine these qualities of water and sense the magic. If you can feel that, then you can take a small amount of the Earth's water for yourself and charge it up for magic.
A magical water mirror can help you in many ways. Apart from instilling a sense of peace and achievement, it can also help you to see into the future, to find answers to deep questions about yourself and your life. Mirrors have been used in magic for aeons but, before reflective glass was invented, the only mirror was pure water. You can now return to this spiritual form of magic.
As with any mirror, your water mirror will reflect. It will reflect magically though; you will not see your reflection, you will see magical possibilities. All writings on mirrors through the ages, if based on fact, will agree that what you see must be interpreted carefully. It is wise to bear this in mind before you begin. Do not worry, your mirror will not be vague and useless.
The images are powerful and accurate but you must not follow them blindly as though they are the only possibilities in your life. The Universe just doesn't work that way. When constructing any magical artifact some practitioners warn that new objects should not be used because they are sterile. These people also warn that old objects should not be used because they contain too many past associations or vibrations. Such advice may safely be ignored when working with water mirrors. Water is older than Mankind (it's even found on distant planets) and is far more powerful than the container in which it is placed. So when choosing a container, simply choose a dish-like object that appeals to you and which is capable of holding a depth of about two centimeters of water.
Once you have chosen a dish it should be used solely for this purpose. This is simply to help affirm in your mind that it is now a truly magical object and not, say, an ashtray.Each time you want to use your mirror, you create it anew with fresh water.
Have some matches ready at one side. Set the dish in a quiet place on a level surface and subdue the light: if possible, it should be quite dark. Sit and look at the dish for a moment, consider its properties, know how it will provide magic for you. Think on this for a while, calmly, then pass your hands over it. Become close to the dish, know that it is strange to you but do not let it feel alien or peculiar: become familiar with it.
Taking your dish to the tap and filling it up is too crude. A more elegant method is to gently collect some water in a jug or cup and slowly pour this into your dish. Tap-water is fine and will work just as well as rainwater or mineral water. All water, no matter how polluted, contains the pattern for fifth-dimensional magic. As you slowly pour the water into your dish, listen to the quiet sound it makes, smell its cool dampness. Become familiar with the water now, know its feel, sense its magic. When you have a satisfactory level of water put the remainder to one side and sit quietly. At no time should you try to rush magical workings.
It is of primary importance that you relax, calm down. Even if there is an urgent and despairing situation on your mind, magic needs freedom. By letting go of the problem momentarily and entering a peaceful state you will achieve more.
Once you feel peaceful and expectant you are ready to ignite the mirror. This is a magical way of switching it on, ready for use.
Take two matches and break the phosphorus head off (this makes it a piece of wood, rather than a man-made match). Use the other match to light the tiny piece of wood. When it is burning properly, the tip of the wood black, dip the end into the water. The moment it sizzles out, your mirror is activated.
Ensure the wood does not remain in the dish and, from now until the end of your magical working, do not touch the water.
Look into the mirror. Depending on how much light there is you may see your reflection. Whatever you see, look deeper. Look into the water, beyond it. You are looking around a corner in time.
Water is diffusing time and space for you, letting you see secrets from you own life. Sudden images may appear; observe them but do not chase them. Never try to force an image.The secret of successful water scrying is simply learning to look without trying to create. Stare into the water's depths and images will come.
Once you have practised this for a while you can begin to direct your mirror in practical ways. Whenever you are trying to look into the future remember that you are seeing either the most likely future, or a warning about your future. Nothing is written in the universe and, although Fate can guide, You have the power to change Your life. Even if you see an undesirable future, this might never come to pass if You change some aspect of Yourself.
The mirror can help you in all worldly matters but is more effective when used to look within yourself: it is from within the Soul that all true answers come.Whenever you have completed work with the mirror, touch the water to deactivate the magic. The water should then be poured away. Store the dish separately, away from other people's influences, treat it with respect as a magical object.Water is Nature's most powerful tool. When used magically it is one of our greatest assets. Look into your water mirror and know that what you see is truth; you look into your heart and glimpse your Soul.
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