All purpose sifted flour is excellent for attracting money. Take alittle pinch and spread it somewhere dark... under your kitchen counter,in the back of a cupboard, or under the sink.
Running out of salt supposedly foretells a loss of health or wealth. Always keep an extra box of salt that you never use on a high shelf to help ensure good fortune.
Fill a small jar with alfalfa and deposit it in the food cupboard. As long as it remains there, the family will never know hunger.
Use buttons, change, safety pins, or toothpicks in a jar to work onabundance and prosperity spells. Add an item each day to increase your prosperity.
Olive oil is a good substitute for any kind of anointing of candles and great for mixing with oils and powders to bless and anoint surfaces.
A clove of garlic sitting on the sink board draws illness away from thefamily. Don't eat it; instead throw it away every month and replace it with a new one.
Braids of garlic, onions, or peppers make a lovely decoration for your kitchen and also ward off negativity.
An onion on your kitchen windowsill will absorb ill will. When it starts to decay, replace it and throw it away. Do not eat it under any circumstances!
Leaded-glass crystal sun-catchers hung in a sunny kitchen window are excellent protective devices.
Chili pepper seeds are wonderful for protective magick and repelling.Wash them, let them dry out, and then place them in a little glass jar with a lid. Bless your seeds in any way you wish. You can even make a label for your jar that reads "Magickal Pepper Seeds" or whatever you like.You can use the seeds to banish negativity from your home whenever you feel the need. There are two methods for this:1. Sprinkle a few seeds around your kitchen or home and then vacuum orsweep them out the back door.2. Place some seeds in a mortar and ground them to a powder. Sprinkle the powder where needed and the proceed to vacuum or sweep up. Discardout your back door.
When sweeping, remember to do so towards the fireplace, if you have one. If not, sweep in any direction except towards the front door. If you ignore this warning, you might remove your house's luck.
Take two needles, make an equal-armed cross with them and place the cross in a broom. Stand the broom behind a door and it will guard your home. When standing a broom in the corner, put its bristles up, handle to the floor. This not only ensures that the bristles will last longer, it also brings good luck.
All household work--from scrubbing stains in the kitchen sink to swabbing the floor with a mop to polishing wood furniture--should bedone with clockwise motions. This practice imbues your work, and the object you're cleaning, with positive energy.
Next time it rains, hangone of your dish rags outside to receive the liquid blessings. Or, buryone outdoors by the light of the full moon. Both actions are thought to be lucky.
Salt water left out in the center of a room all night will absorb negativity. Wash it away with flowing water the next morning. If you areon a septic tank, either pour the water into the woods or into a body ofrunning water.
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