For good luck hang a "kitchen witch" doll in your kitchen to oversee and bless your magickal workings. You can purchase one or make your own.
Turn a ladder into steps for success by painting the ladder in brightcolors and adding plants as decorative objects. Paint magickal symbols under the rungs to help your prosperity (and plants) grow. As the plants grows, so does your prosperity.
Grow an aloe plant in your kitchen. To soothe burns and scrapes, gentlycut off a mature, fleshy stalk, thanking the plant for its sacrifice,and squeeze the gel from inside the leaf onto the wounded area. The aloe plant has magickal properties as well--it also guards the cook againstfood preparation accidents that can be very nasty. When using aloe gel in the kitchen, dab some onto major appliances, windows, doors, andtools to safeguard them as well.
When you purchase fresh herbs or gather them from your garden, cut the bottoms off and place the herbs in a nice vase in your kitchen. This not only brightens up the room, it adds fragrance, keeps the fresh herbs longer, and has the added benefit of reminding you to use them in your dishes.
If you are having trouble following a recipe or are feeling generally"out of it," take a whiff of rosemary. his herb helps to promote mental clarity and improve memory.
Sew herbs and magickal powders into the lining of your drapes. Placepackets of herbs or powders under throw rugs.
A quartz crystal placed on or near the stove when cooking makes food taste better.
Copper molds can be hung on the kitchen walls to lend their rich colors. Since copper is ruled by Venus, the planet of love, these molds also bring love vibrations into the kitchen.
Wash all the dishes every night if you work with faerie magick. The fairies don't like dirt and they won't let you sleep peacefully until the kitchen is clean!
Bells or wind chimes hung from the doors guard against intruders andstagnant energy. Hang them where the air currents can ring them. They will set up movement in the air and clear the psychic energy of your home.
Sieves, sifters, and colanders hung or placed around the kitchen for protective purposes will keep the kitchen secure.
A kitchen witch bottle can be constructed to protect your food from contamination. Put three needles, three nails, and three pins into ajar. Fill the jar with salt, seal it tightly, vigorously shake ninetimes and drip red candle wax over the seal. Then place it in the cupboard where it won't be seen.
If you wish to perfect your execution of a recipe, copy it in red ink. Lay this on a flat surface in the kitchen. On top, place a red candle in a holder and light the candle. Let it burn down completely before you try the recipe. As it burns visualize yourself cooking the dish successfully.
When you burn food, cut yourself, drop pots and pans, or experience arash of accidents in your kitchen, this could indicate the need for a cleansing. Before eating, place your hands on either side of the food and send energy to the food through visualization. Receive its energy back and then enjoy.
In setting the table, put the salt on first, and take it off last thing after the meal. The salt will guard the food and the diners. While dining with others, pass the salt with a smile. Pass items clockwise around the table to bless them with positive vibrations and ensure that they are healthy.
Prior to eating any liquid with a spoon (such as soup or porridge), stir the bowl's contents clockwise three times, then withdraw the spoon and enjoy.Turn your beverage glass clockwise three times before drinking to bless the contents.Whenever you make a toast, be sure that the glasses clink. If not, thet oast won't be heard by the higher forces.
Always leave a morsel or two on your plate, for tradition says that theywho clean their plates will know only poverty.
The first time you use a new set of silverware, make a wish. Visualize the wish every time you lift a fork or spoon and the wish may come true.
For unity, have all those sharing the meal drink from the same cup. Decorate foods and beverages with unique toothpicks, umbrellas, stirrers, and the like whose color or imagery represents your goal; the item can then be carried later as an amulet or charm to keep that energy going.
Choose a bowl, plate, or placemat whose color or imagery represents your magickal goal.
Arrange the food on the plate or platter in the form of a symbol to which you can relate while eating, such as a smile for joy. Cut food into a symbolic image, such as a toast house that you consumewhile looking for a new residence.
**Everyone manages to collect plastic grocery bags. Instead of stuffing them in a crowded drawer, fold and pack them into an empty tissue boxcovered in pretty self-stick paper. Then pull out as needed.
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