This is a time of the rebirth of the root cultures of many peoples. Ancient wisdoms that were lost orobscured by the power shifts of history are now cominginto light through many channels. Native people arediscovering their rituals, their myths, their shamans. The advances oft echnology are adding to this wave of discovery in many ways, such as through media and communication(take the Internet for instance). The image of the witch is at the root of our cultural past. To embrace and affirm this aspect of ourselves is to tap the power of tradition, longevity, and cellular memory. Once we understand ourselves, harmonys ets in.
In preparing for your spell, first do some serious thinking about just what the image of the witch means to you. Make a list of all her qualities, her powers, her names, how she looks, what she wears, thinks, feels, etc. See her in your mind's eye with as much clarity and detail as possible. This spell should be cast three times, at the new, full, and dark of the month.
Large piece of parchment paper
Two purple candles
Moon Oil
Power incense
A small moonstone
Arrange your altar. Carve moons into your candles and anoint them with oil. Anoint yourself as well, on brow, heart, and hands. Seat yourself comfortably and light the candles, saying:
"With this flame, I awaken the Witch within me."
Light the incense. Close your eyes and breathe deeply for a while, relax, and let go. Bathe yourself and your aura in white light. Keep breathing deeply and slowly as you begin to sway and weave, letting your body move into a circular motion. Empty yourself of all distractions and anxieties. When you feel flowing and peaceful, let your imagination fill up with images of your inner Witch. Take up the parchment and pen and make a sketch of her (don't worry about style or quality; the simpler the better).Write your impressions and ideas beneath the drawing. Set this up between the candles so that it is facing you. Take the moonstone and clasp it to your heart. Keep breathing and weaving as you fill yourself with the image on the parchment.Draw the Witch image into yourself, see her multiplied a thousand-fold, vibrating in every cell of your body. Repeat the following incantation three times:
"I am willing to be different and strong
I am willing to be different and beautiful
I am willing to be different and free
I am willing to be different from patriarchy
For this difference
Is the same
With the Non-Linear World of Magick
The Goddess
Her forces
My dreams
The moon
My feelings
My creativity
My passion
My deep love
Of all creation...
And the only conforming
I need to do
Is Forming Creation
For I am form
And I am forming
To universal law
And therefore
Must survive...
And even though
I may at times
Feel alone
And misunderstood
I will remember
That I have sisters and brothers out there
Who are learning to be free
Like me
And that I am not alone
But all One
And that free women and men
Were respected
And loved
And will be again
And will be again
And will beI will it to be
I will it to be
And so doth it be
And ever
So be it
Blessed be"
As you repeat this chant, let your words flow rhythmically as you weave and sway, let your voice create melody. Improvise, make new words if you feel inspired. When you feel complete, slip your parchment beneath the altar cloth. Give thanks to the Goddess and God and snuff out the candles.The moonstone is to carry at all times. Keep it in your pocket, under your pillow, or wear it in a pouch.Whenever you feel the need, hold the stone and rub it with your thumb in a circular motion. Think or say:
"I am safe I am me All is well Blessed be"
Tell no one of this spell until it has come to
fullness. Even as you feel your powers strengthen, it may be best to maintain silence. Be discreet about sharing your magick.
from the 13Witches archives
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