I am reading The Physick Book of Deliverance Dane by Katherine Howe and there is a line in where they are talking about Salem, MA and the Witch Trials and what Salem is like now ...."Real Pagans coming here to make a buck off of tourists with a morbid curiosity about people who were persecuted three hundred years ago. And the dead people weren't even pagans, they were Christians who just didn't fit in." and then I thought, hey, that's me. I am not Wiccan, and that's why I say I am a witch for lack of a better label. Into healing, herbs, and spells.
But as I pondered this, it is basically true, witchs in Salem were misunderstood Christians, who were trying to help others with there gifts of healing and herbs. God put all kinds of good things on this earth for us to use and to help, we have come to rely on conventional medicine and doctors. Do you realize how long modern medicine has been around - since 1928 with the invention of penicillin, prior to that modern medicine did not exist. That's only 81 years ago. Think about that. Never take anything for granted with your health. Check out all aspects of healing. Yes, I go to doctors, but remember, they are babies when it comes to universal healing. You know your body best, listen to it.
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