The stories of fairies and where they come from are as old and diverse as any tale ever told. In most stories, fairies are tiny little creatures with wings. They are known to have magical powers and to be very mischievous. In general they love to dance and sing. There are many different types of fairies and they have just as many personalities. They live in all kinds of places, so be sure to know your faeries. And remember the next time you see something out of the corner of your eye or you hear strange long ago music, that you've probably been visited by a fairy.
Pixies: Cheerful and mischievous. They often take the form of a hedgehog. They are also well known for their pranks. They adore music and dancing.
Los Aluxes (Ah Loo Shus): These faeries live in the temples of the ancient peoples in Mexico. They resemble gnomes. Ah loo shus means "little people".
Goblins: Vicious little creatures that can appear as animals.
Leprechauns: Irish fairies that are very cunning. Usually found among the clover.
Elves: The Scandinavian form of fairies. Sidhe:Irish fairies who are attracted to beauty.
Sprites: Spirit fairies. Their job is to change the color of the leaves in the fall.
Dwarves: Usually found in the mountains. They often steal not only property, but it is said women and children as well.
Dryads: Spirit fairies of the trees.
Gnomes: They prefer the forests. They are the guardians of sacred grounds, locations and monuments. They have a weakness for gem stones and things that glitter. They are the knowers and are extremely clever.
Sylphs: Spirit fairies of the air. They are transparent and elusive. They seem to be surrounded by a glow.
Selkies:Usually found in seas and oceans. They first appear as seals but become beautiful women when they shed their skin.
Undines:Spirit fairies of the water. Usually found in forest pools and waterfalls. They have beautiful voices and can sometimes be heard singing over the sound of the water.
Tree Fairies:These fairies live in every tree. They look after the tree and control its energies.
Garden Fairies:You will find these fairies among the flowers dancing and playing wearing flowing gowns with transparent wings. At dawn they pour out blessings upon the world.
Rock Fairies: These fairies are very wise.
Fire Fairies: There are two types of fire fairies: Flame Spirits and Elementals. They have the ability to create and destroy.
Phooka: These are Irish goblins. They are usually friendly but they like to play pranks.
Fir Darrig: These fairies delight in rather gruesome forms of pranks. It might be best for one to leave these alone.
Asrai: These fairies are very delicate fairies that melt away into a pool of water when captured or exposed to sunlight.
Source Unknown
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