Talk about the universe giving you something you need. I thankful for the following spell that appeared in my email today.
Last night I was at a Nelson\Mellencamp\Dylan concert. Safe to say that it was 11,000 full of overaged hippies, me included. I went to get a pretzel at the break after Willie Nelson, I wanted to take a short cut across the field, I have arthritis in both knees so walking stadium steps gets to be hard. Well, I went down the wrong aisle, so there were 4 people sitting at the bottom walkway and I was going to walk through and the guy on the end puts his cane up to block me, yes his cane; and they all start yelling at me to go back. I was appalled, I could not believe these people who were wearing their peace shirts and being nasty at the same time. So I go one aisle up and say excuse me please to this nice couple with a little girl and they look at me and put there feet up to block me, and I say please excuse me, it difficult for me to walk up steps can I please pass, they say no. So my ass is alot bigger than there ankles and I push through, I get to the end of the aisle and another old hippie in tye dye sits down to block my way so I climb over the stadium seat and fall through the chair hurting my leg. I am so upset with mankind at that moment. All I did through the night was cry at the hate I felt. But first thing this morning this spell is in my email - I intend to say it over and over today and do a ritual tonight.
Please remember, my dear readers, that to make the world a better place we must love everyone and show love to everyone. I probably shouldn't have pushed through, I should of just walked back up, I mean either way my legs were going to hurt, now I just have a big bruise to nurse.
So much for the peace and love generation - I guess they grew up to a world of hate.
Spell for Forgiveness
July 15th,
At times, anger becomes a part of our lives. It can be very easy to allow that anger to remain within and fester into a dark void inside ourselves. If allowed to remain there, it can even grow to become a dominant force in our lives. It is said the only true cure for anger is forgiveness, forgiveness for whoever or whatever brought about the anger in the first place. It is not easy to forgive. It takes great strength and conviction. Some positive meditation time is also optimal.
With a pink candle for emotional healing and some soothing incense, the following chant to the Lady is a good starting point.
After loss, there is gain.
After pain, there is healing.
Let the anger I hold be healed
From within and without
I release my anger toward ________
Anger has no place in my life or power over my heart
All ills are healed, all wrongs forgiven
Let there be peace for now and all time.
So mote it be.
By: Winter Wren
From Llewellyn's Spell a Day - that you Llewellyn! Bright Blessings
And Bright Blessings to all of you who read this - this day
Love you
Thx for this! Have a great day :)