Lexa Rosean - Easy Enchantments
Red wine vinegar
Bay leaves
Key from a sardine can
Small mirror
Do you have a busybody living next door to you? Here's what to do, Make a mixture using one cup of red wine vinegar, nine bay leaves, a teaspoon of cinnamon, and three pinches of salt,
This is an old banishing formula from a witches' book of shadows. Use the key from a sardine can to stir the mixture, The key symbolizes the nature of the relationship, since unfortunate in modern urban settings our homes are thrust right on top of one another and we live packed together like sardines in a can.
The key is also an ancient tool witches used to conduct magical energy. Remember Benjamin Franklin using the key on the kite to harness the electricity in lightning? (Franklin, by the way, was a Freemason and known to be a member of a secret magical order.)
One of the eight tools of the witches is the athame or double-edged blade. It is used to represent the will a key was and often still is substituted for an athame. Hold the key in your right hand, and as you stir the brew, chant,
Busybody, keep away from me.
Mind your business.
So mote it be.
"So mote it be" is the witches' equivalent to "amen" and is usually said at the end of spells to give them power. The literal meaning is "so may it be" or "may it come to pass." This is a great formula to stop gossip or slander as well. Now take a small mirror and dip it in the brew, Place the mirror in a corner of one of your windows or by your front door. If you have a mirrored peephole on the door, you should splash the mixture over it. Mirrors deflect negative energy from us and also keep people from seeing anything but their own business.
Thanks, I can sure this on my own next door neighbor.